
February 5, 2014

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Golden Dawn Supporter To Move Over to SYRIZA? - Leftists in Turmoil!

credit - to vima
The candidacy of independent MP Theodoros Karypidis with SYRIZA in the upcoming elections has raised quite a few eyebrows amongst party members at SYRIZA, due to his far-right political beliefs. According to To Vima radio, some members within the opposition party feel that support for Karypidis is an effort to “appeal to the right” and possibly even strengthen relations with the Independent Greek party.

Some hard line SYRIZA members have apparently cited a number of Karypidis’ posts on facebook, where he has openly expressed questionable nationalist and borderline racist opinions. In the past, Karypidis had interviewed Golden Dawn MP Ilias Kasidiaris, who quickly offered his “support” via twitter.

Members of the opposition party’s Civil Secretariat have demanded that Karypidis’ candidacy be reviewed more closely, while another member from Kozani resigned in protest when he found out the news. The reactions to Karypidis’ candidacy are similar to the reactions against the candidacy of Odysseas Voudouris, with the Leftist party being particularly critical of the selection of a former PASOK and DIMAR member as candidate (because as we all know Voudouris voted for the memorandums).

Commenting on the criticism, Karypidis told Vima 99.5 on Tuesday that SYRIZA secretary Dimitris Vitsas made the proposal to him about two weeks ago. He said that the Left Platform was against him because he is not a SYRIZA member.

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