
January 15, 2014

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Greek, Albanian Defence - Closer bilateral Cooperation

Dimitris Avramopoulos, greek politician. New D...
Dimitris Avramopoulos, (credit: Wikipedia)
Defence Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos and his visiting Albanian counterpart Mimi Kodeli on Tuesday reaffirmed the mutual willingness of Greece and Albania to deepen and further strengthen bilateral cooperation for the benefit of all the peoples of the "long-suffering region of southeastern Europe."

The two ministers described their talks as useful, constructive and effective. Avramopoulos referred to the historic and strong ties of friendship between Greece and Albania, saying that their relations were based on the principles of mutual respect, sincerity and trust. He referred, in particular, to the Greek minority in Albania and the Albanians working in Greece.

In parallel, he spoke of a new start in cooperation between the two countries in the defence sector and revealed that Greece and Albania will sign a new defence cooperation agreement at the end of August.

The Greek defence minister said Greece was prepared to assist in the reconstruction of the Albanian armed forces and reiterated Greece's support for Albania's European perspective, expressing hope that accession talks with the EU will soon begin. Kodeli referred to Greece as an important partner of Albania, stressing that "we are committed to strengthening cooperation with Greece." She also thanked Greece for its support of Albania's efforts to join the EU.

Listing the areas of cooperation between the Greek and Albanian defence ministries, she said these would concern education and training, Albania's participation in joint exercises in the framework of NATO, the holding bilateral exercises, the participation Albanian forces in the NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre in Souda, Greek officers attending Albania military schools and the teaching of Greek to Albanian officers.

A total of 35 Albanian officers are currently attending Greek military academies and recently two Greek officers graduated from Albania's higher military academy. Earlier, Kodeli was received by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Athens. (AMNA)

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