
January 16, 2014

Filled Under:

CAMPAIGN - Help Defend The Sovereignty of CY Territorial Waters & the CY EEZ

MODIS satellite image of Cyprus.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Friends, we have a very important campaign we'd like you to join in.

To defend the sovereignty of CY Territorial Waters and the CY EEZ off the Kyrenia coast against a threat from Turkey.

You'll all know about a project to transfer water through a submerged pipeline from Turkey to its Occupation Regime on Cyprus. It's been threatened for near 20 years and there is a lot of evidence of a real start in recent months by ways of pipeline manufacturing, the expansion of the dam at Occupied Panagra and tug and survey ship movements off the Kyrenia coast and the coast off Anamur in Turkey.

The weak link in the project is that the firm Jumbo Maritime (registered and headquartered in fellow EU member-state The Netherlands) is heavily involved in the project. Jumbo has been contracted to provide its fleet of heavy lift ships and the overall project management.

Jumbo Maritime is a world leader in heavy lifting and installation of pipelines at sea. The project will fail without the involvement of Jumbo (or a similarly capable international firm)

Jumbo's involvement in this scheme appears on the Jumbo web-site at...

The contracting of Jumbo Maritime is also confirmed in several shipping and pipeline installation trade web-sites.

It is very important that Jumbo Maritime is persuaded to withdraw from this illegal scheme, not only to defeat this illegal project to sustain the Illegal Occupation Regime but also to defeat what will become a precedent with, in the future, more and other international firms temped to conspire with Turkey in illegal interferences in CY Territorial Waters and the CY EEZ.

So, to defend the Sovereignty of the Republic, to keep Turkey out of the CY EEZ off the northern coast, please send polite emails to Jumbo Maritime asking them to abandon the project.

This is the email address to write to...

>>> email >>>> <<<

Below is a sample email with more info. Please edit it to suit.
We'll add some more sample emails over the next few days.

So please send emails to Jumbo Maritime, remind them that Turkey still maintains an illegal occupation, ask Jumbo to act ethically and within the laws of the Republic and to respect customary international law.

email Jumbo at >>>


Sample email...

According to your website, Jumbo have taken on project management of the scheme to transfer water from Turkey to its occupation regime on Cyprus through a semi-submerged pipeline. Jumbo will also be making use of some of its heavy lift ships in this project.

Information on this scheme appears at your website at...

The project involves work in the Territorial Waters of the Republic of Cyprus and also in its Contiguous Zone as well as in its Exclusive Economic Zone.

For your information, under the Territorial Sea Law of 1964 of the Republic of Cyprus, the Territorial Sea extends to 12 miles from the low-water line. This limit has been lodged with the UN Registry under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

For your further information, the Republic of Cyprus has also declared its rights to the Contiguous Zone and to the EEZ beyond its territorial seas limits under UNCLOS. The EEZ extends to the median line with the Turkish shore to the north.

You will find confirmation of the territorial seas, contiguous zone and exclusive economic zone along with maps and co-ordinates at the UNCLOS Registry at...

I do not believe that Jumbo has the permission of the Republic of Cyprus to carry out any work within its territorial seas, contiguous zone and exclusive economic area.

Will you assure me that Jumbo will act lawfully and respect customary international law and the laws and sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus by abandoning any work on this project.

<your name, your location>

The email again ... >>> <<<

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