


December 5, 2013

SHOCK - Man Attempts To Stab ANT1 Camera Crew During LIVE Broadcast! (VIDEO)

An unprecedented incident occurred during a live broadcast on George Papadakis news show which is shown on ANT1 TV. The perpetrator whose home had caught on fire on Wednesday, literally threatened the camera crew with a knife from his frustration and misery, while the brave reporter that was on site attempted to calm him down.

More precisely, on Wednesday evening, the home of a family in the Kordelio Thessaloniki area burst into flames. The family, who had been living without electricity for a while, since the Greek Power Company DEH (and/or PPC) had cut off their connection because of an outstanding debt, was apparently using candles in the evening. Officials said that at the time of the fire, two people were at the home. This explains why firefighters managed to rescue an elderly woman and a young child from the flames, however, they were immediately rushed off to the nearest hospital with severe respiratory problems.

In such a framework, Thessaloniki reporter Alexandra Chatzigeorgiou decided to cover the story but never imagined how it would unfold. When the live broadcast begun, she was immediately interrupted by loud screaming in the background and as she turned around to see what was going on she realized that one of the members of her crew was being threatened by an unknown man who was carrying a huge knife. The unknown man, was apparently the owner of the home, and from what it looked like had totally lost control of his senses and was now threatening the lives of several people that were gathered around the camera crew.

The reporter rushed next to the unknown man and began begging him to calm down, and just when it looked like he did, he made a sudden turn to a neighbor who was standing nearby and attempted to stab him!

The connection dropped immediately, and the screen went blank.

There was obviously quite a bit of panic at the ANT1 studio after that and it is still uncertain whether or not someone was harmed.

If there is more on this story, HellasFrappe will update later on during the day. Let us hope that no one was hurt.