


December 18, 2013

Parliament Set To Vote On Suspension of Funding For Golden Dawn

The parliament plenum is set to decide on the suspension of the state funding to the Golden Dawn party on Wednesday afternoon and then set to pass the recommendation with a majority of deputies, as indicated by the debate late Tuesday at the parliament plenum

All parties are expected to vote, with the exception of Golden Dawn, as decided by the ethics committee. The parties will determine if Golden Dawn operates as a criminal organisation and decide on whether or not they will continue to receive state funding.

(We can all guess how the vote will swing, since every single party in the Greek parliament not only fears Golden Dawn's popularity, but also wants to see the party weaken. The only party that has expressed otherwise is the Independent Greeks party which expressed some reservations about this decision, of which -as we all know by now- was devised by none other than Evangelos the Large Venizelos.)