


December 17, 2013

BUSTED - SYRIZA The Wannabe Poor People's Party With Stocks In JP Morgan & BlackRock!

the logo of syriza
the logo of syriza (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

SYRIZA says it is against greedy banksters, and that it defends the poor and weak, but did you know that some of its members are filthy rich? In fact, they have invested in both JP Morgan and BlackRock (the bank of banks)! After it was discovered that a former bank worker unionist received 1,000,000 Euros as a retirement bonus, SKAI television said on Monday night that there are two more more members from the SYRIZA party that appear to have invested large sums in JP Morgan and BlackRock.

Let us take it from the beginning. Earlier on Monday it was revealed that SYRIZA MP Dimitris Tsoukalas declared 1 million Euros in his annual "pothen esches" declaration. The so-called declarations of assets – better known as the “pothen esches” report in Greek was published on the Parliament's website on Monday and some 694 politicians were obligated to publicize their assets for the period 2012.

From what he claims is a retirement lump-sum (efapax) that he received when he retired from his duties as a bank worker and unionist.

(But seriously folks... Do you know many companies that give out such huge retirement savings bonuses? And how is it that only Greek unionists have so much money? Hmmm.... Think Ellada, think!)

In his statement, Tsoukalas said he had a total income of 840,831 Euros in 2012 as opposed to a sum of 529,538 Euros in 2011 and 102,670 Euros in 2010. The former president of the federation of bank employee unions (OTOE), declared ownership of 17 properties.

(And we ask: How can a bank employee clear so much money, as well as obtain so many properties?)

The news that a SYRIZA MP, and former unionist absorbed one million Euros certainly took many by storm, but what was even more shocking was discovering that several other SYRIZA MPs had invested in JP Morgan and BlackRock!

For instance, Efklidis Tsakalotos has a portfolio that is worth 500,000 Euros and most of this money has been invested in JP Morgan and BlackRock (yes the bank of banks). An equally impressive portfolio in mutual funds is also held by SYRIZA MP George Stathakis, who has invested a total of 426,000 Euros in the same companies, as well as many others.

Turns out the wannabe leftists of SYRIZA have many mega-investors with right pockets within their ranks, and although they talk about feeding the poor and unprotected, they hold majority stakes in some of the mechanisms that brought Greece to its knees!