


November 24, 2013

'Sunnyclist': A New Greek Innovative Solor Motor Bike

The three-seater solar motor bike "Sunnyclist" is gaining quite a few fans in Greece. It does not operate on gas, and charges its batteries with sunlight! The best news of all? It can run for 240 kilometers at a stretch, having the capacity to carry three people and offers a unique ecological stroll at minimal cost and was invented by a Greek scientist!

The "Sunnyclist" was constructed by mechanical engineer Manolis Tsikandilakis in Herakliion, Crete. As of Sunday, and until next Sunday at the 13th stand of the "Philoxenia" exhibition, residents in the city of Thessaloniki will have the chance to admire its structure and design.

The Sunnyclist is autonomous and doesn't need to be charged from mains electricity on most days. Most importantly it is an economical solution, can service a big part of movements with a minimal cost and is suitable for urban areas. Finally, the solar motor bike also can be charged by plugging into the mains for two hours and can move either with its engine or with pedals.

The cost, however, is a little steep since it is reported that it ranges from 8,000 to 11,000 Euros, depending on the battery and the photovoltaic system selected. But considering the money you save on gas, then it could be an economic solution. Nonetheless, we are certain that if it becomes popular, then the price will eventually drop.