


November 20, 2013

Analyzing The Media's View Of Why We Should Not Change Our Foreign Policy

In 2009, the Greek newspaper, Eleftheros published a pretty interesting article titled "Russia and us". At the time, the conservative only newspaper was owned by Gianna Angelopoulos Daskali and the article was written by Apostolos Apostolopoulos (here). The article raises a number of important questions and arguments (right and wrong) about Greece's foreign policy at the time which was beginning to change and shake off years of cobwebs that proved fruitless, or did not serve our nation's interests.

Conservatives often supported this newspaper because it traditionally served as the voice of the Right. This is probably the reason why Angelopoulos decided to manage it, and as you will see in the article below she used it as a tool to discredit -or wage war on- former PM Costas Karamanlis, as well as raise doubts amongst right wing voters about their party leader, and his decisions to alter Greece's foreign policy (and no... the result did not benefit Greece at all).

In the article, the author questions if the decision to alter our foreign policy and broaden our relations with other countries was a good choice or not. But because he cannot directly say this he beats around the bush a bit, and then leaves it to be understood that if we follow a new type of foreign policy then it would have grave repercussions on our country. He is basically trying to tell us that all this talk about strengthening relations with other nations is good, but we first have to ask the West if they approve.

Right or wrong, HellasFrappe will not comment on this for now, but certainly articles such as these are just mere examples of how the media -or publishers- use a reporter to spread doubt about a political leadership, or a policy decision -in this case about doubting a new foreign policy- and poof... the prospect of even changing something is suddenly gone and its back to square one.

HellasFrappe does not flip-flop very easily, nor does it get duped from such theories because we do not settle easily and/or compromise when it concerns our nation. And because we only want the best for Greece and the Greek people, we believe that Karamanlis was correct in trying out a new path in our foreign policy. Think about it. What were past policies yielding up until then? Nothing... Nada. But this reporter doesn't or rather didn't seem to share these views. His salary was probably more important to him than actually applauding this change in our foreign policy. Guess that is why we ask for donations from our readers...While reporters such as him probably live somewhere in the northern suburbs...
     "Recently, there has been talk about the need for a “polygamous” foreign policy because our monogamous relationship with the United States does not deliver. The U.S. President, Barack Obama has disappointed us and some (such as international jurist Vassilis Markezinis) suggests that we re-approach Moscow as a counterbalancing measure. This sounds fine. Moreover, others more powerful than Greece have preceded us, such as Germany which has re-approached Moscow slowly and carefully but steadily. Also (we should not forget), Mr Karamanlis, following the German example, launched the gas pipeline policy; namely, the South Stream project. Previously, Mr Tsochatzopoulos, formerly the Defence Minister, purchased anti-aircraft defence systems from Russia for the first time. The two politicians (from opposing parties) have opened doors.
    "Neither the supply of weapons systems nor the construction of gas pipelines; such as the South Stream project; however, were a general prelude to the reorientation of our foreign policy, although they were of special importance. That is why the reactions of the United States were intense and visible. However, have we posed the question, during our warm embraces with Putin, if these reactions were considered carefully enough? The recent distancing, hesitations and retractions that have occurred in our relations with Russia, indicate there was probably insufficient consideration made of these possible reactions. It would have been useful to have considered more carefully the difficulties of re-approaching Russia.
     "The first question we should pose is whether the idea of re-approaching Russia suggests a general re-orientation of our foreign policy, and consequently, a distancing from the Western fold. Without clarifying this, the “question” is simply unrealistic.
(This is where conservatives were duped. The author cannot come out and boldly tell them that they should pressure Karamanlis -who we all know was actually beginning to implement a new “polygamous” foreign policy that would have also included Russia- so he purposely leaves it to be understood that if Greece did this then there would be grave repercussions... and of course we would distance ourselves from the West. Obviously this argument is absurd, because a nation should be permitted to be on good terms with all nations and should not feel threatened by other nations. But let us not forget who he was working for... the proof is all there in black and white.)
     "The second question is what we have to offer to Russia. For example, Turkey offers services to the United States and extracts favours. What we can offer to the Russians so that we have their steady support?
     "The third question, and perhaps the most critical, is what the Russians want and especially what can the Russians give us? Recognising that Greece is part of the larger (and still unresolved) Eastern Question.
     "Inertia and unconditional obedience (to the United States) has lead to poor foreign policy but also “steps" (towards Russia) without clearly defined objectives can also be destructive. With upcoming European elections, the parties should be explaining to Greeks how they believe Greece should be maneuvering itself in the world. Source: Eleftheros (Apostolos Apostolopoulos)
Friends, the article may have been written several years ago, but it is a good example of how the elites use the media to push their own interests (or the agendas of their masters) and how easily citizens -in this case voters- can easily be influenced. .

Unfortunately, we do this all the time. We allow ourselves to be influenced by what the media says, by what it sells to us, by what it preaches us. And this is because we refuse to actually challenge conventional opinions and views. We are afraid of the new, the unknown, and always end up compromising.

Today it is very easy to blame Germany. the UK, the US, Russia or the bogyman about the current troubles that our nation is facing, but we also have to look at ourselves in the mirror for a change and accept our own chunk of responsibility. We allowed for all this to happen, and we even have the nerve to return to this "mbahalo" (meaning madness) again because we cannot be bothered... It is too time consuming to think... To analyze, to weigh evidence. This is why we forget, this is why we are dragged by the nose and history keeps on repeating itself again and again and again.

Did we or did we not as a nation allow Papandreou to rise to power? YES WE DID

Do we or do we not rush to shake the hand of Gianna every time she appears at a lavish function forgetting all along that she and many other like her -at Athens 2004- helped to rob and harm this nation economically, politically and socially? PITIFUL BUT MANY STILL DO and what is worse... THEY ARE GREEK.


Why do you people insist on compromising with everything that we hate and criticize?

All Karamanlis wanted was to develop Greece's economic diplomacy (and/or energy diplomacy). Unfortunately since he left office, Greek foreign policy has been glued at a crossroads even though new challenges have emerged just like he had expected -concerning our natural reserves, relations with other nations, and our development as a nation-. If citizens had listened to him then... Today Greece would have been in a totally different position.

And if that wasn't enough, ever since Karamanlis fell from office, and we were suddenly introduced to coalition governments, there has been no consensus whatsoever among political parties to develop a common agenda that would be pursued independent of the change in government.

In fact there hasn't been any type of consensus on anything.

This alone should frighten all of us, because it is one thing pressing your own type of agenda on citizens because you manage a political party and need to sell some type of ideology to stay in power, but it is another thing agreeing on the fundamentals: foreign policy, defence, education and health care. When a nation does not even have these while it is going through an economic, political and social crisis, then there is nothing! We might as well call Greece a German protectorate instead of a country because that is exactly where we are heading thanks to our own idiotic decisions.

Now do you see why they wanted you to get duped?

They do not want us united... They work hard at keeping us divided!

Think about all the above next time you rush to see Papandreou at some event, or next time you rush to a lady's luncheon somewhere to sit next to Gianna.
