


July 15, 2013

Tsipras Elected President of The New "Unified" SYRIZA Party

Leader of the Opposition Alexis Tsipras was elected president of the new unified "Coalition of the Radical Left" (SYRIZA) party at the end of a four-day founding Congress at the weekend, by 74.07% of the vote.

Tsipras’ bid to transform the SYRIZA party into a unified single party from a collection of smaller factions, behind an agreed charter and central decision-making structure, was supported -to a large extent- by more than 3,000 delegates at the congress, in the course of which the party’s 200 central committee members were also elected.

The congress also voted on SYRIZA’s policies of erasing part of the national debt and negotiating the rest, rejecting the minority proposal of disputing it in its entirety.