


July 22, 2013

JUSTICE - Marfin Executives Guilty For 2010 Fire Deaths During Protests

This is one story that definitely needs to be published. An Athens court on Monday convicted three of four Marfin managers, finding them responsible for the deaths of three employees -one of which was pregnant- and injuries sustained by 21 others in a fire set in the bank's Stadiou Street branch in May 2010, during violent anti-austerity protests.

The found Marfin CEO Konstantinos Vasilakopoulos, branch manager Anna Vakalopoulou and the head of building safety Emmanouil Velonakis guilty but decided to acquit the deputy branch manager Anastasia Koukou.

The victims, two women and a man, died from asphyxiation after the bank's storefront windows were smashed and firebombs tossed inside. Fire-fighters located the bodies of the three bank employees on the third floor. A total of eight people had been trapped in the flames and moke.

Press reports noted that the court found that the bank's management had failed to ensure adequate fire safety measures were taken, given that the Stadiou bank branch was a frequent target of arsonist attacks, and should have promptly evacuated the employees as a precaution during the protests, as other banks in the area had done.

(Editor - Question: Why haven't authorities arrested the anarchists -or murderers- who started the fire in the first place?)