


July 2, 2013

Greek Unemployment at 26,8%

A percent sign.
A percent sign. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Greek unemployment rose from 26,7 percent in February to 26,8 percent in March, according to Eurostat figures released on July 1. The figures note that the median unemployment rate in the Eurozone ranged at 12,1 percent in May 2013 showing a slight increase in comparison to April (12 percent), while across the EU it remained steady at 10,9 percent.

The average unemployment in the Eurozone in May was 12 percent for men, 12,2 percent for women and 23,8 percent for young people.

The countries where the biggest increase of unemployment was recorded within a year was Cyprus (from 11,4 percent to 16,3 percent), Greece (from 22,2 percent to 26,8 percent) and Slovenia (from 8,6 percent to 11,2 percent).