


May 14, 2013

SYRIZA Demands That Gov't Withdraw Decision For Civil Mobilisation of Teachers

the logo of syriza
the logo of syriza (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
What a lame demand - The main opposition Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) party actually asked Prime Minister Antonis Samaras to withdraw a civil mobilisation order to secondary education teachers, preventing them from striking during the nationwide university entrance examinations, which it imposed on Monday morning. How probable is that? Simple... When cows jump over the moon!

In a statement issued by SYRIZA's press office we read that it wants the government to hold a debate with teachers after the Panhellenic exams are over. At the same time it refers to an extract from an older Samaras speech in parliament saying that, "When you deal with social reactions by applying junta-style methods, you fuel social explosion."

(What the hell does the junta have to do with national exams? Only a radical and certainly distraught leftist would say something like this)

SYRIZA even characterized Samaras as being untrustworthy and dangerous, as the "blackmailing and other practices by himself and his government are a direct attack on the vast majority of workers and society, and at the current conjuncture distress thousands of students."

(Oh brother...)