


May 20, 2013

SPECIAL REPORT - Anti racist Bill Must Be Scrapped & Rewritten - Does Not Recognize Greek Genocides

Justice Minister Antonis Roupakiotis, his DIMAR party and especially PASOK are using a very anti-Hellenic anti racist bill to provide a new criminal tackling against racism and xenophobia. Indeed the phenomenon of racism and xenophobia has to be tackled, but this bill is scandalous, and it should not be tabled in Parliament.

The bill provides punishments such as jail time from three months to six years, a fine of 20.000 euros and finally, removal of political rights for all those that don't endorse the "anti racist" State directives. Specifically, those are the punishments that will be faced by "whomever publicly, orally or through the Press or the Internet or any other means cause or stimulate violence against a team or a person based on race, religion, heritage and sexual orientation". This is all well and good, but the new draft law also denies the importance of genocidal crimes, or crimes against humanity, war criminals and the crimes of Nazism and Fascism.

Nazism and Fascism we agree, but genocidal crimes (such as the death of over 300,000 Greeks in Asia Minor)?

Are they crazy?

And PASOK and DIMAR are actually endorsing this.

From what we read, and from what has already been confessed, the bill was not drafted in Greece, it was actually a translation of a foreign document. (From which centers... those that belong to George Soros?)

Basically the bill follows the standard of similar laws in European states, like Germany, and the need to pass this bill is dictated by the panic the phenomenal rise of the Golden Dawn party has caused to all these globalist left wing servants and their masters.

Obviously genocidal crimes cannot be erased from history because they offend specific minorities, so it is going to be interesting to see how the conservatives will tackle this with their Leftist coalition partners.The public is going to be totally outraged!

At the same time this bill violates the Greek Constitution and the right of all the citizens to partake in the social and political life of the country (article 5, section 1), the right to free expression of ideas and the prohibition of Press censorship (article 14, section 1 and 2) as well as the freedom of religious consciousness (article 13, section 1), from the moment it demands to forbid expression against other dogmas, a basic element of the freedom of speech.

The law predicts that if a MP expresses his opinion in the Greek Parliament, which can be characterized as being too "racist and xenophobic" then he will lose his immunity.

That is indeed hysterical.

When MPs express their opinion their immunity is lifted, but when they rob the country of billions of Euros, receive kickbacks and launder money, then that is ok. Their immunity stays intact.

Question: Would the international community erase or ignore, or even dare to deny that the Jewish Holocaust ever happened because it would offend Germany?

Obviously not!

So then why the hell would PASOK and DIMAR endorse this scandalous draft bill which clearly needs to be rewritten in accordance to Greek standards.

Two words - Corrupt politics

The New Democracy party wants to sack the Ragoussis law, which was a campaign promise. The law basically legalizes hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Greece. and is a scandalous product of the George Papandreou government which always endorsed a "New World Order" and obviously worked hard to please foreign centers and/or personalities such as Mr. George Soros.

PASOK and DIMAR who are basically paddling for life and who are not expected to even score 3 percent at the next parliamentary elections are indirectly pressing the government to ratify the scandalous anti racist law and by doing so they will support the government in sacking the Ragoussis law. From what we hear on the news, both these Leftist parties do not even want to compromise the issue at all. In fact they believe that by pinning Antonis Samaras against the wall with this issue it will score them new voters in the long-term. In other words with the Ragoussis law they will automatically gain votes from the various newly legalized minorities, and from the antiracist law, the "shady" centers in Thrace and in some minority centers in Athens will be grateful for their newfound rights and once they are legalized they will vote for them as well.

Folks, it is perfectly clear that all those foreign centers that worked hard over the past few decades to strike at our religion, our language, our culture and our family have declared an all out war against the Greek People.

What saddens us here at HellasFrappe is that the New Democracy party is falling into a leftist trap again. They are allowing the Left to dictate all the political developments in the country. This alone should sound an alarm to conservatives to ban together against the Left and these scandalous progressive ideals.

Indeed a racism law is needed, but it cannot only support minorities.

Seriously, will they jail all those who deny the genocides in Smyrna and Pontus?

We wonder, will they jail all those who entered this country illegally and have the audacity to stand in the middle of Athens and yell "death to the infidels" in the name of Allah?

Do our politicians believe that this will be accepted by the Greek people?

Are they crazy??????????

The only thing that they will accomplish is to bring the Golden Dawn party in power with this law. So Nazism and Fascism will finally win. (Good work you morons!)

If Greece's political elite wants to tackle the phenomenon Golden Dawn, then it should stop attacking this party, or pushing it to a corner. More than one million people support this party and this should be respected. All voices should be welcomed in Parliament because Greece is the cornerstone of democracy. And for heaven's sake, there are somethings that cannot be compromised by Greeks, the main thing of which is our pride. Denying the atrocities in Asia Minor because it is a "progressive" thing to do is hogwash, and any political party that supports this should be banned from the Greek Parliament!

Our opinion here at HellasFrappe is that this law should be scrapped because it does not respect and/or value Greek history, and then returned to Parliament to be ratified in accordance with the Greek Constitution and Greek standards. The Ragoussis law, on the other, should have already been shredded to bits.
