


May 15, 2013

SHOCK - Hotel Employee Stabs 11 year-old 20 Times For Laptop & Phone

A Dutch national, 20, and a hotel animator on Crete, confessed to brutally attacking a Russian boy, 11, and stabbing him up to 20 times to conceal the theft of the youngster's laptop and mobile phone, and leaving him in a pool of blood. The incident occurred last Thursday night local time.

The boy's parents began looking for him when he didn't return to their hotel and alerted local police. Subsequently, the child was found unconscious in as pool of blood in the hotel parking lot, the victim of repeated stabbings to his back, chest and hands.

First responders promptly flew the youngster to an Athens hospital where physicians said there was no internal bleeding or life-threatening damage to internal organs, although a computerized tomography scan will be conducted to confirm this.

COMMENT: Police also found the missing cell phone and laptop in possession of the suspected Dutch national, who later confessed to having attacked the child with a knife, washed the blood from it and concealed the knife in a fire hose before returning to the hotel.

Clearly, the hotel that had employed the assailant should pay for all of the victim's medical expenses, as they obviously did no background check on an assailant who was perfectly prepared to murder a young boy for a laptop and a phone.

One can only hope that the Russian Embassy in Athens puts considerable political pressure on both the hotel and the Greek government to do "the right thing."  

Reportedly, Russian diplomats are examining the options of medically evacuating the victim and his parents back home.

This report will be updated as new information becomes available. 

Sadly, this is also a reminder to all parents that when traveling abroad they must carefully look after the security and welfare of their children, from a multitude of physical threats, as this is obviously a world where youngsters no longer can play without being harmed.
