


May 11, 2013

PASOK Says It Does Not Have A 'Black Hole', Just a Huge Debt of 100+ mln euros

In the real world when something quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and looks like a duck, the obvious thing would be to believe it is a duck. But this is not so in PASOK. This party, known to twist the truth 360 degrees says that its 100+million debts is not a black hole, but just a debt.

(Oxi Gianni, Giannakis)

According to press reports, during a meeting of the PASOK party Political Council at the end of the week it was ascertained that the once all mightly socialist party's massive debt of 110+ million euros should not be viewed by public opinion and/or described as a "black hole," but rather as a debt.

The party acknowledges that it does have a large debt, "as all other political parties in the country," but it is determined to deal effectively with it.

And we ask, how will they do that when they are politically dead? Who in their right mind would even trust this party, let alone allow it to ever come into power again? So what difference does it make if the press calls it a black hole, or a huge debt? It is still a damned debt!