


May 29, 2013

Hundreds of B2B Meetings Between Greek & Russian Entrepreneurs

The strong interest in further boosting bilateral trade relations between Greece and Russia is highlighted by business meetings held in Moscow in the context of the Go International initiative underway. The two-day Go International mission to Moscow was launched on Monday with the participation of tens of Greek export companies.

It is the fourth business mission organised by Eurobank in the framework of the programme, in collaboration with the Greek International Business Association, the Panhellenic Association of Exporters, the Crete Exporters Association and other export-sector bodies, under the aegis of the foreign ministry.

Some 2,000 B2B meetings with 250 Russian firms have been scheduled during the visit, while a 'Real Estate Workshop' organised in collaboration with Invest in Greece will also take place, allowing Greek companies to make brief presentations of current real estate investment opportunities in Greece.

The internet portal Exportgate set up by Eurobank in collaboration with exporters and the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) with the support of the development ministry will also be unveiled. A partnership with Google is already underway in a bid to promote the portal in Greece and especially in foreign markets, such as Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and Russia.

Greek International Business Association (SEVE) Chairman Dimitris Lakassas noted that the majority of the Russian firms that have expressed interest represent the food and beverages sector, while a strong interest is expressed in the sector's of tourism and real estate.

Most of the participating Greek firms (40 pct) represent the food and beverages sector, 8 pct high technology, 7 pct constructions, 5 pct real estate and 4.5 pct cosmetics. Other sectors are tourism, church supplies and ecclesiastical accessories, services, chemicals and plastics, energy, pharmaceuticals and packaging.

Deputy Foreign Minister Dimitris Kourkoulas attended a forum on Tuesday representing the Greek government.