


May 6, 2013

Greece - Build Up To Civil Unrest As Black Shirts Battle It Out With Red Shirt Regime

Our Sham Fight archetype of the two-party system in America has always held within it the core agenda of the Corpo-Banker Government Globalist Elites and their agenda to consolidate and control power, financial and natural resources.

Greece is the one global governance and its media is focused on. The Greek Sham Fight is primarily between the Golden Dawn and KKE.

We do not mean Sham Fight in that there is no violence or propaganda. We mean Sham Fight in that the Corpo-Banker Government Globalist Elites, the European Union, et al orchestrate it.

With the global failure of the Capitalist and Communist economic systems, the Globalist Elites have become increasingly violent in their attempts to consolidate and maintain power and control. This is being accomplished through proxies, Black Shirts vs. Red Shirts.

While conducting research for this post we discovered:
    Credibility gap for Global Governance, Media-Social Media, Search Engines due to enormous bias against Black Shirts; ignoring Red Shirt Paramilitary Operations-Criminal Activity.
    Corpo-Banker Government Globalist Elites program of Systemic Forced Migration, Population Dilution has backfired making indigenous homogeneous populations increasingly agitated.
Recently Golden Dawn was hosting a Soup Kitchen for Greeks only, being Greeks in Greece why not?

The Mayor of Athens, having learned the brutal tactics of the Nazi’s in Greece during WWII sent in Paramilitary Forces to shutdown the Soup Kitchen.

A Soup Kitchen not a bomb making factory or other threat to the common Greek citizen but a Soup Kitchen!

Watching the video below bear in mind point number one above as it relates to the reporters strong bias in favor of the Red Shirts.

What we are witnessing in Greece is the Corpo-Banker Government Globalist Elites Cattle Prodding Greek society towards full-blown civil war. Extraordinary measures are being undertaken, open Socio-Political Economic warfare against Greece.

Greece is the template for their aggression against the sovereignty of other indigenous homogeneous populations that hold National Identity. If they succeed then the people of Greece, the Cradle of Democracy, will be forced to choose between the Black Shirts and the Red Shirts.

This is an entirely new phase, escalation in Perpetual War.  Consider this, what the Perpetual War on Terror is to America, Perpetual Civil War is to societies, indigenous homogeneous populations that hold National Identity.

Greece is a beautiful land and the Greek culture is as well. The contributions of Greeks to the Arts, Sciences, Philosophy, Literature and Culinary Arts are not just pages in history. The solution for Greece, much like that of the Southern States in America, is secession from the [European] Union, to escape the enslavement of the Corpo-Banker Government Globalist Elites through the Amerikan (FED) Administered International Monetary Fund (IMF).
