


May 17, 2013

Golden Dawn MP Thrown Out Of Parl't for Allegedly Cursing (VIDEO)

Golden Dawn party MP Panayiotis Iliopoulos, was apparently ejected (or thrown out) from a parliamentary session on Friday after using derogatory language to revile fellow MPs.

SYRIZA MP Yiannis Dragasakis, who was chairing the session, and who obviously cannot stand the GD party, actually asked security guards to remove Iliopoulos after he said that "Mr Alexis is preparing a souped-up question for the prime minister."

This infuriated Dragasakis, and he asked that Iliopoulos retract the statement, but the GD deputy didn't and instead added that Tsipras was "sleeping the sleep of the just" and dreaming of waking up as prime minister.

Iliopoulos went further, condemning fellow MPs as "wretched sell-outs" and "goats." He then left the Parliamentary building, accompanied by the remaining Golden Dawn MPs who had been in attendance.