


May 15, 2013

Conspiracy or Truth - Russia Captures CIA Agent Plotting To Kill Obama (VIDEO)


The Federal Security Service (FSB) reported on Wednesday tht it has captured and arrested an as yet unidentified agent of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) [photos 1-4 left] (since identified as Ryan Fogle, a third secretary at the US Embassy in Moscow) for his clandestine efforts to secure Russian intelligence assets in a plot that could very well be a plan to assassinate President Barack Obama.

Though not confirmed in this report, the Jerusalem Post News Service is reporting that this CIA agent was, also, an employee at the US Embassy in Moscow, which, however, the Americans refused to either confirm or deny.

According to this FSB report, Russian counter intelligence agents began tracking this CIA agent when he first appeared in Moscow in mid April 2011, and even more extensively after he traveled to Benghazi Libya the day following the 11 September 2012 attack on the American consulate which killed the American Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and 3 members of his security detail.

From Libya, this report continues, this CIA agent next appeared in Jordon in late September, 2012, where he was a part of the American intelligence team tasked with supplying Syrian rebels with weapons under a “Secret Order” signed by Obama earlier in the year.

FSB intelligence analysts contributing to this report state that this CIA agents “mission,” both in Libya and Jordon, was to “find and utilize” various arms depots to be used by the al-Qaeda rebel factions seeking to overthrow the Syrian government.

In early January, 2013, this report says, this CIA agent traveled from Jordon to Kazakhstan where he met with two Ukrainian arms dealers, both of whom were subsequently detained by Russian foreign military intelligence main directorate (GRU) assets and “questioned extensively.”

From the information gained by the GRU from these Ukrainian arms dealers, this report continues, “grave concerns” were noted about this CIA agents true motivations as he was seeking to acquire nuclear, chemical and biological offensive weapons manufactured by the former Soviet Union.

As these “grave concerns” mounted over what exactly this CIA agent was doing, this FSB report says, a counterintelligence operation involving both the FSB and GRU was undertaken in both the Middle East and Russia.

Posing as members of the Bratva (brotherhood) faction of the Russian mafia, this FSB report says, GRU counterintelligence agents first contacted this CIA agent in Jordan during the latter part of April, 2013, whereupon he was lured back to Moscow with the “promise” that the weapons he sought could be obtained.

Over the past fortnight, this report says, both FSB and GRU counterintelligence agents acquired a substantial amount of information as to what the true goal of this CIA agents mission actually was, and which, the FSB says, was a claim by this CIA agent that part of the weapons being sought were meant to “neutralize Obama.”

As to exactly what this CIA agent meant by “neutralizing” Obama, this report says, could very well mean a false-flag type attack by Syrian rebels using Soviet nuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons to be blamed on the Assad regime forcing Obama to use American forces in this civil war, or, could also mean a plot is in place to assassinate the American President.

Not knowing what the true intentions of this CIA agent were, or those backing him, this FSB report says, a meeting between him and the GRU counterintelligence agents posing as Bratva members was arranged to take place in Moscow’s Izmailovsky Park last evening where an “exchange” of a “bio-warfare agent” for about $1 million US Dollars had been arranged.

Upon the CIA agent exchanging the $1 million in cash (carried in a green military-type knapsack) for the alleged bio-warfare agent, this report concludes, he was “swiftly apprehended” by FSB and GRU agents [photo top left] and then brought before a Constitutional Court in Moscow where charges of espionage were read against him [photo bottom left] with further charges to be added at a latter date.

Though not mentioned in this report, it is important to note that past captures of US spies for committing crimes in Russia are nearly always handled by the Foreign Ministry which seeks to exchange top level CIA agents for Russian ones currently in American custody. [Subsequent reports state that this CIA agent has been returned to American custody.]

By Sorcha Faal