


April 20, 2013

SHOCK - Mother Of Dead Boston Bomber Says He Was Controlled by FBI For 5 Years (VIDEO)

The suspected Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was finally taken into custody late on Friday night in Watertown, Massachusetts. Some might say case closed, but there are too many unanswered questions in this story that need answering. Firstly, why were there suspicious men with backpacks at the site of the bombing and the mainstream media in the US totally ignored this, but it was only featured on alternative news site? Secondly, why is an alleged bomb drill being denied by the FBI? Was there anyone else who was arrested and/or questioned about the bombing and why doesn't the public know of these people? Why did the FBI order the public to ignore all other pictures and concentrate only on these two suspects? And interestingly, who is the Saudi man that was taken in for questioning but then allowed to leave the country? And finally why is the mother of the two boys claiming that the Feds have known about the actions of her eldest son for three to five years now?

Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, the mother of Boston bombing suspects Dzhokar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, said Friday that her eldest son Tamerlan was under the control of the FBI for three to five years! In a televised interview the mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, from Makhachkala in Russia’s Republic of Dagestan in the North Caucasus region said her sons were set up.
    “What I can say is I am really sure, I am like 100-percent sure that this is a set-up,” the woman said.
    “My two sons are really innocent, and I know that neither of them never, never have talked about whatever they’re saying about now, and what I want to say is … my youngest one was raised actually … from 8 years, he was raised in America, and my oldest son, he is like really, really proper raised in our house, never, nobody talked about terrorism.”
The suspects in the bombing on April 15 that reportedly killed three people and wounded 183 others are 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who remains at large, and his brother, 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed after a police car chase.
Their family originates from Russia’s North Caucasus, but settled in the United States more than a decade ago.
    “My son, Tamerlan, really got involved in … religious politics five years ago,” the woman continued.
    “So he started following his own [religion], and he never, never told me that he would be, like, on the side of jihad; and whatever they are talking, [whoever] is talking about, him being a loser, [they] are the losers.”
In fact, it was the suspects’ uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, who used the term “losers” in an interview in which he speculated his nephews may have been motivated by “hatred” because they were unable to “settle themselves” in America.

He begged the young men to turn themselves in and later insisted he wasn’t talking about his nephews as the “losers,” but only “those who are able to make this atrocity.”

“My son would never do this. It is a set-up,” the woman continued in her interview with RT.
    “He was controlled by FBI for like, three, five years. They knew what my son was doing. They knew what actions and what sites on the Internet he was going. He used to come home, they used to come and talk to me. They used to tell me that, you know, that they are controlling his – they were telling me that he’s really a serious leader and they’re afraid of him.
    "They said, they told me that whatever he is, whatever country decides, whatever is there, whatever information he’s getting, they are controlling him, so how could this happen? How could they – they were controlling every step of him, and they’re telling today that this is a terrorist act. Never, ever! This is not true. My two sons are innocent.”
The RT reporter speaking with her asked how she might explain the violent chase the young men were involved in, firing at police and throwing explosives from their vehicle.
    “I never believe into it, I never believe into it,” she said. “I know my sons never talk about those things. I am a mother, I raised them. They were highly intelligent.
    "The FBI were scared of my oldest son; they always told me that he was a leader. They were afraid of him because they think that he’s a leader. He talks about Islam a lot, and that they told me what they were talking to my son, and they called me officially, and they told me that my son is an excellent boy and they have no problem with that. …
    "At the same time they were telling that he’s like a, he’s getting the information in a really, extremic [sp] site. So that’s why I think that it’s a set-up.”
The reporter pressed, asking her if she saw any chance her boys were hiding “a side” of themselves from her.
     “It’s impossible,” she said. “Impossible for both of them to do such things, so I’m really, really, really telling that this is a set-up. My son would tell me; my son never would keep it in secret, so I would know. … If there was anyone who would be knowing, it would be me. Mother. He would never hide it from me. He would tell me that, but never, never even a word.”
What message might she have for her son still on the loose, the reporter asked.
     “I would say, save your life and tell them the truth, that you haven’t done anything, that this is a set-up,” she replied.
Meanwhile a report on infowars said that the FBI is notorious for recruiting and framing terrorist patsies. Quoting a report compiled by Mother Jones and the Investigative Reporting Program at the University of California-Berkley it revealed that of the 158 prosecutions carried out on terrorism charges since 9/11, 49 defendants participated in plots that were arranged by FBI agent provocateurs.
“They’re creating crimes to solve crimes so they can claim a victory in the war on terror,” explained Martin Stolar, a lawyer who represented a suspect involved in a New York City bombing plot contrived by FBI agents.
According to Business Insider, the FBI will soon make public its relationship with Tsarnaeva. A spokesperson would not confirm or deny that the agency had any previous contact.

On Friday afternoon, however, Mother Jones reported the FBI has already admitted they interviewed Tsarnaev two years ago, according to CBS News. The agency conducted the interview at the request of a so-far unnamed foreign government, CBS says, to see if the elder Tsarnaev had any extremist ties — but their search turned up none,” writes Hannah Levintova.

Earlier this week, posted images of what they referred to as Navy SEALs in civilian field gear lurking at the finish line of the Boston Marathon where two bombs killed three innocent people and injured hundreds. It turns out these men were Blackwater-like private military contractors from Craft International, according to investigative journalist Anthony Gucciardi of READ THAT STORY AND VIEW THE PHOTOS BY CLICKING HERE

A couple of days later on Land Destroyer we read that what appear to be private contractors, wearing unmarked, matching uniforms and operating an unmarked SUV affixed with communication equipment near the finish line of the Boston Marathon shortly after the bomb blasts - can be seen beforehand, standing and waiting just meters away from where the first bomb was detonated. The contractor-types had moved away from the bomb's location before it detonated, and could be seen just across the street using communication equipment and waiting for similar dressed and equipped individuals to show up after the blasts. CLICK HERE TO READ THAT STORY

Finally a report prepared for Russian President Vladimir Putin by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) on the April 15 Boston Marathon Bombing states that Saudi Arabia has claimed to the United States that an Israeli secret service MOSSAD “hit squad” is responsible for this massacre and is being protected by “certain elements” within the American intelligence community.

According to this report, Saudi Arabia’s General Intelligence Presidency (GIP) (equivalent to US CIA) discovered the existence of this MOSSAD “hit squad” in late December 2012 operating within its borders and the United States and comprising individuals coming from at least 3 different nationalities including Saudi Arabian, Chechen and Yemeni.  CLICK HERE TO READ THAT STORY

Infowars says that unlike Oaklahoma City the FBI cannot confiscate all of the surveillance, cell phone, and thousands of cameras that were at the finish line of Boston Marathon. 4Chan posted dozens of photos showing Navy Seal or Private Security personnel carrying the same black back packs which are the same style backpacks showed in FBI photos. It's becoming crystal clear. Get these articles and this video out to everyone you know. 

