


April 30, 2013

Replacement Of OAED Chief Did Not Sit Well With PASOK & DIMAR, Now Why Is That?

Labor Minister Yiannis Vroutsis’s decision to replace the head of Greece’s Manpower Organization (OAED) Vassilis Kikilias, with the former head of the IKA social security fund, Theodoros Abatzoglou, was slammed by both the PASOK and the Democratic Left party (DIMAR) on Wednesday.

Abatzoglou, is a figure closely associated with New Democracy and according to the socialist party -who had their own man at the post- "this does not help the smooth functioning and effectiveness of the coalition government.” DIMAR of course, said the same thing.

According to ProtoThema, Vroutsi insisted on sacking Kikilia because he did not agree with the manner in which the now former OAED Chief handled the various unemployment programs.

The same report added that Mr. Kikilias was the author of PASOK's recent proposals for the unemployment sector and a suspicious and relevant amendment that was introduced in parliament on Sunday night in the controversial multi-bill following strong pressure from the socialists to the ruling party.

In simple words, Kikilias did not report to his superior which is Vourtsis, but instead would consolidate with the socialists. That should really not come as a surprise to anyone Kikilias was known to be a strong supporter of the PASOK camp.

The real reasons behind his dismissal have to do with incompetence -while others say that he was purposely delaying the various employment programs. One doesn't really need to be a rocket scientist to figure out why he would do this. This is an old PASOK tactic to make the other side look bad -in this case Antonis Samaras and the New Democracy party-. If he delayed the implementation of various employment programs aimed at reducing the number of jobless citizens, then who would look bad? The government of course, thus scoring points for Evangelos the Large and his band of pseudo-socialists.

Our opinion here at HellasFrappe is simple. Any delay in programs that are aimed at reducing unemployment should not be played on the backs of voters for political gains.