Written by Andrew Puhanic
Globalist Report
A member of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) has accused the Bilderberg Group of funding and supporting the Centre for British Influence in Europe, an organisation that seeks to maximise England’s influence in Europe and beyond.
Gerard Batten (UKIP) raised some serious questions recently about who is influencing and funding the Centre for British Influence in Europe after comments were made by politicians Kenneth Clarke MP and Lord Peter Mandelson after the launch of the Centre for British Influence in Europe.
Both Kenneth Clarke MP and Lord Peter Mandelson are members of the Bilderberg Group and in fact both attended the 2012 Bilderberg Group meeting that was held in Chantilly, Virginia.
While speaking at the launch of the Centre for British Influence in Europe, Bilderberger Kenneth Clarke pushed the world government agenda of the Bilderberg Group and warned that it would be a “fatal mistake” for Britain to leave the European Union (source: The Independent).
Interestingly, Gerard Batten (UKIP) on his website raised two serious questions about the Centre for British Influence in Europe. Firstly, will the organisation attract significant funding? Secondly, who will be primarily funding the organisation.
Considering the vocal support for the Centre for British Influence in Europe that is coming from Bilderbergers Kenneth Clarke and Lord Peter Mandelson, there is no doubt that the Bilderberg Group will impose its influence onto the Centre for British Influence in Europe and their agenda for an expanded EU and World Government.
Also, the questions raised by Gerard Batten come at a time when the Bilderberg Group is about to be investigated for crimes and corruption in Italy.
Therefore, as no government has ever bothered to hold the Bilderberg Group to account for the decisions that are made at Bilderberg Group meetings and for the influence that Bilderberg Group members impose on politicians, no one really knows precisely how the Bilderberg Group will influence the Centre for British Influence in Europe.
However, any publicity that exposes the Bilderberg Group can only be a good thing, although a lot more exposure is required.