


April 30, 2013

Cyprus' AKEL & EDEK Vote Against MoU, DIKO In Favour

Three parliamentary parties, left-wing AKEL, the Democratic Party (DIKO) and Social Democrats Movement EDEK decided on Monday with regard to their position on the voting that will take place on Tuesday during a meeting of the 56-member House plenary to decide the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the loan agreement with Cyprus' international lenders.

AKEL Central Committee decided that the party's nineteen MPs would vote against the loan agreement and the MoU. AKEL spokesman George Loukaides said that the only choice for Cyprus is a solution outside the loan agreement and the Memorandum, and that seeking such a solution will most probably mean a decision for Cyprus to exit the Economic and Monetary Union.

He admitted that this would be a painful choice, noting that its anticipated effects create the need for a maximum support by the people and require sacrifices. (CNA)