Contributed To HellasFrappe
By Alex Aliferis
In March he praised a Turkish Cultural Center in Chicago.
"This building (Turkish Cultural Center) represents so much to so many, but I think it represents an even more significant spot in the history of our people," a daily herald article quoted him as saying.Bishop Demetrios has maintained a relationship with the Turkish-American Niagara Foundation since its inception, when he was among the Chicago religious leaders who participated in the organization’s first intercultural trip to Turkey.
"Greeks and Turks living together in harmony and mutual respect is a dream come true that my grandparents never saw," he added.
Some say that the main focus of this Foundation, which is a civic organization founded by Turkish Americans living in Chicago, is “to serve multiculturalism, pluralism in the society, and to make a contribution to multicultural living and not to lobby on behalf of the Turkish government or Turkish society.
So is he a man of peace, who simply believes in the rapprochement of nations, or is there something suspicious behind his admiration for the Gulen movement and Turkey?
No one knows, but the Gulen movement is in hot water because they have opened Charter Schools across the United States. They use these schools to import Turkish teachers and Turks into the USA. The well known US news show 60 minutes, exposed the Gulen movement and these Charter Schools.
The schools are even being investigated by the FBI. And from what we hear they are being denied status across the United States.
The Washington DC Gulen group Rumi Forum, which is linked to the Gulen Movement, actively lobbies against Genocide recognition of Christian Greeks, Assyrians, and Armenians.
So much so, that in 2008, Turkish Gulenists attended a Greek Lobby event which was presenting a book on Symrna. The head of Rumi Forum attempted to first downplay and then even deny the atrocities and the blazing catastrophes that occurred in Smyrna from Turkish army forces in 1923.
Is Bishop Mokissos representing the Greek American community and Greek interests? Where does Mokissos’ loyalty lay? Towards Greece? Or towards Turkey? Most importantly, Greek Americans need to ask Bishop Mokissos why he refuses to speak out about Gulen’s denial of the Genocide of Christians, or the current illegal Turkish military occupation of Cyprus.
(Please, contact the Greek Orthodox Church at 212-570-3500.)
But he is not the only Greek-American that has spoken in favor of this movement which till this day refuses to recognize an atrocious genocide of our people.
This is from the National Herald:
"The point is that the Turkish charter school achievement has left the Greek American Community eating its dust, a real shame, because Greek Americans are not lacking in know-how or resources" says Christopher Tripoulas in his recent article titled Turkish Stratejik Derinlik and Greeks’ Never-Ending Nap in the National Herald.In other words, this Greek-American is impressed and amazed over the success of the Turkish Gulen charter schools, which is fine, and openly criticizes his fellow Greek-Americans for not doing as much as the Turkish-American community has in the field of education.
We have heard other Gulen fans as saying that this movement's only goal is to spread love, peace and tolerance through education, and that they are not a political movement. So what is the truth? It would be best to learn what the Gulen movement is.
We learn that the aim of the Gulen movement is to create a golden generation of educated Muslims. This would indeed be ideal, education is key. But this is also a goal that is shared by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan who has dreams of Ottomizing the world.
According to the author of The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World, The Al Qaeda Connection, and other best-selling books, Mr. Paul Williams PhD, (seen frequently on national news networks as ABC News, CBS News, Fox News, MSNBC, and NPR), this movement is being financed by some of the US's leading billionaires.
In fact in one of his articles he claims that the Fethullah Gulen movement, which seeks to restore the Ottoman Empire, has found a good friend and benefactor in Microsoft's Bill Gates!
"In 2007, through the Texas High School Project, the Gates Foundation shelled out $10,550,000 to the Cosmos Foundation, a Gulen enterprise that operates 25 publicly funded charter schools in Texas. The Internal Revenue Service Form 990 for Cosmos shows that the Cosmos Foundation received $41,570,721 from taxpayers."In the same article he notes that at the Gulen schools, students are indoctrinated in Turkish culture, language, and religion so that they may be of service in making Fethullah Gulan’s dream of a universal caliphate a reality (meaning an Ottoman caliphate).
The madrassahs also apparently sponsor Turkish clubs, Turkish language societies, Turkish dance groups and even annual trips to Constantinople.
It is therefore safe to say that this movement is openly promoting Turkish interests. In fact the Gulen schools, which our Greek-American friend and Chicago Bishop praise, apparently advance and promote Islamic beliefs; present the Ottoman Empire, which lasted from 1299 to 1923, as a golden age; and even serve to rewrite history by denying the holocaust/genocides of our people (as well as Armenians and Assyrians) under the Turks during World War I.
So we would advise Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos not to be fooled by the Gulen Movement's institutes and foundations, they are infiltrating local, state and national politics in the USA.
If this was not a politically motivated movement, then why all the invitations to politicians? Rumi Forum Ramadan Dinner at the White House, Turkic American Alliance shindig with politicians, etc.
The Gulen Movement is also big on dialog foundations where they rope in local academia, politics, media and religious leaders to speak or give a bull shit award for humanity. This also is coupled with a free trip to Turkey and other honorary awards that makes the recipient more vulnerable to promoting the Gulen schools and business in the USA.
But because of this, almost every state in the USA now has a state proclamation claiming "Turkey is a friend and ally of the USA, we are the land of love, tolerance for all minorities (leave out the part about killing Kurdish Alevis and Christian minorities) with a rich diverse history.
These state proclamations can be found at
Moreover, the Turkish Chamber of Commerce, the Turkic American Alliance (TAA) all work together with the multi layers of local and state operated Gulen foundations or institutes. They are big on giving parties, gifts and they know that American politicians can easily be bribed. (Follow the history of former politicians that have accepted their gifts Jean Schmidt and John McGee).
The reality is that the Gulen Movement is political, social and all about commerce. The aim is to control commerce through the establishment of a neo-Ottoman caliphate via these schools which teach Turkish culture, language and history to the future "golden generation".
And we ask, how does all the above benefit Greek interests?
Make your own conclusions.
(It would also be wise to also read the Wikileaks cables about the Gulen Movement, described as a "third power"
- Article on Bishop Mokissos attending the Turkish Cultural Center in Chicago - Daily Herald -
- Article - Bishop Demetrios Honored -
- Article - Turkish Stratejik Derinlik and Greeks’ Never-Ending Nap -
- Article - Political Motivations of the Gulen Movement (Hizmet) in the USA -
- Article - Fetullah Gulen - New Ottoman Empire = A Servant of the CIA -