


April 1, 2013

Bangladeshi Man Abducted & Tortured From Compatriots - But Humanitarians Will Still Call Greeks Racists

We here at HellasFrappe had to publish the following story because stories such as these need to go public so as to debunk the claims from fake humanitarian foundations -all funded by G.Soros- who maintain that Greeks are doing this against immigrants because they are racist.

The illegal trafficking of people has to stop!

According to reports, a 22-year-old man was found chained to a pole in a disused greenhouse by local police in Ilia in the Peloponnese on Saturday after being kidnapped and then held captive by a gang of his own compatriots! The same report adds that the victim was discovered tied and gagged to an iron stake in a warehouse in Andravida, Ilia, (Western Peloponnese). Nine suspects, all Bangladeshi nationals, were demanding 5,000 Euros in ransom for the victim's release from his family back in Bangladesh but they only received 2,000 Euros.

Police, who located the victim in the greenhouse after acting on tip from another Bangladeshi man who expressed concern about his whereabouts, found evidence that the 22-year-old had been repeatedly beaten and tortured.

The above article is not a one time thing. Several months ago on HellasFrappe we had revealed an interview by the President of the Pakistani Community in Greece who more or less said the same thing and cited cases with some of the members in his own community.

(Click here to read that story and watch the video of his interview)

Of course when this information does not go public, then "internationalists" such as SYRIZA and ANTARSYA (radical left groups) go on a rampage and charge the far-right Golden Dawn party of these acts. At the same time humanitarian groups -who are affiliated with ANTARSYA- suddenly begin criticizing Greek people of being racist.

One such organization is Human Rights Watch (HWR) and has regularly characterized the Greek people of being racist.

Interestingly, we had a story about this several days ago in an effort to raise awareness about these fake organizations which have done more harm than good. These people might claim that they stand with the victims, but in our report we exposed how they played a major role in Iraq, and how they helped the Oil giants and corrupt politicians in justifying the Gulf War by providing fake reports and by deliberately spreading wrong information and propaganda.

(Wait a minute... there were recent discoveries of oil and gas in Greece, and this foundation has been spreading the same type of propaganda against our country. Do you see the connection?)

Read that article by clicking here

The cat is once again out of the bag.

Reference to above story in TA NEA