


March 28, 2013

OPINION - Turkey's Aggression: Luring Turkey to its "assimilation"

Flag of Turkey.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If we look at the global arena as a huge chess board, then, from one perspective, one can see how the "weakened" Greece and Cyprus can play the role of the "sacrificial pawn" to capture the enemy "Queen".The Queen, in this case, is Turkey and the one moving the "pawns" (Greece and Cyprus) are the Globalist Elite who "own" both Greece and Cyprus.

Greece and Cyprus have one thing in common: Turkey as their neighbor. Of course Turkey is not, yet, a fully globalized country, due to the nature of its government which is multi-tiered (army/politicians), ensuring that there's always a check in whether the politicians are serving the country's best interests.

The Elite consider the model of sovereign nations that promote their own self-interest as an obsolete one. They want total dominance and control over all nations through puppet governments that pretend to be in charge, but are in fact controlled by one unified center of power. Syria and Iran are two nations that are lined-up for "globalization", Iraq-style or Libya-style. Turkey is also lined-up but in a less visible way.

Both Greece and Cyprus are extremely wealthy to be found in the position they are currently in - in fact their position is completely unjustifiable from any point of view. Huge deposits, huge assets and mineral wealth, wealthy citizens etc. The whole issue "stinks" as a fixed game. Still, the Elite decided that they wanted to "leak out" a "vulnerable Greece" and a "vulnerable Cyprus" image to Turkey, all the while striking a chord that always lures Turkey into an aggressive position: Oil and gas exploitation. This has traditionally been one of the "triggers" for Turkey into becoming increasingly aggressive.

Greece and Cyprus have both "triggered" Turkey with their plans to exploit their underwater assets and the "weakened" image of both countries can lure Turkey to become more aggressive and escalate into a small regional war. If the Elite manage to lure Turkey in such a way, they will manage to impose a dismantling of Turkey, a la Iraq-after-Kuwait. Back then the US allowed Saddam to think he can invade without much consequence and then the Elite went after him and took over his country.

For the time being, the Elite may be sending various similar signals to Turkey (through US, Israeli or European sources) that an escalating aggression could be "tolerated" against the "weak" Greece or Cyprus who are rapidly slipping into poverty. The political and military leadership of Turkey might take the bait, escalate with military measures and then, instead of becoming the "great leaders that expanded the nation" like their forefathers ...boom. The Elite will strike back through its other "pawns" to annex Turkey and "penalize it" for its unethical war - just like they did to Saddam. Through this process, the Elite can easily globalize Turkey as a consequence of its "wrong" choices and over-aggression.

Read more at - Greek Crisis