


March 14, 2013

MEGA FRAUD - Farmer Cheats State And Scores 184.075.770 Euros!

(Photo credit: rizitis)
The more the Financial Crimes Unit digs, and does it job properly, the more ridiculous and shocking scams it brings to light. One such scam was featured on the Greek blog sphere on Thursday about a farmer in Thiva who found a new way to cash in on hundreds of thousands of Euros in refund of Value Added Tax (VAT). The accused apparently established an agricultural business, of which he never issued and/or had any sort of invoice or document.

According to the "Vima" newspaper, the farmer appeared to be the owner of some 50,000 hectares of farming land in Thiva and as such was able to pocket a whopping 184.075.770 Euros in VAT returns. The trouble is, this farmer-wannabe-crook did not own any land at all!

Nonetheless, he tricked the State into thinking he used this land to cultivate onions and potatoes, and then he forged documents to show that he sold this harvest to more than 30 companies!

You can run but you cannot hide in Greece anymore and sooner or later SDOE is going to come knocking on your door. This is what happened to our farmer extraordinaire, after they discovered that the companies he was apparently selling his goods to had filed lawsuits against him for forgery!

According to SDOE, all of the 55-year old farmer's transactions were fake and he has never cultivated anything, not even one little onion or a potato.

Editor - While a third of the population in Greece starves, crooks continue to run ramped. The trouble is just several weeks ago many of these people blocked national highways and roads asking for even more money. While most farmers in Greece struggle, there is about 20 percent (more or less) that has lived extremely comfortably over the last few years by absorbing most of the EU funds in agriculture because they belonged to specific political parties! As for this crook... It wouldn't surprise us if he was rioting along with other farmers to absorb even more money for doing basically nothing at all! They should confiscate his assets immediately, lock him up and toss away the key! The general population has to stop being duped, robbed and economically raped by the twenty percent!

Reference in Greek - To Vima