


March 3, 2013

Korydallos Prison Sounds Alarm After Discovering Weaponry In Prison Cells

Jail (Photo credit: D Services)
An alert has sounded at the Korydallos high-security prison near Piraeus at the weekend after it was revealed that a pistol and two active hand grenades were discovered in a prisoner's cell in the fourth wing of the penitentiary during a surprise inspection.

Reports said that a while ago the penitentiary officials had received information of the existence of arms in a cell and had in turn informed the Justice Ministry and added that the penitentiary's administration did not rule out the existence of a plan for an organized prison-break.

Continuous surprise spot checks of cells have been taking place on a regular basis in all prisons throughout Greece, as penitentiary officials fear that some inmates may want to attempt a repeat of notorious lifer Panagiotis Vlastos' recent foiled helicopter escape attempt from Trikala penitentiary in February, albeit with a different modus operandi.

A report from the state news agency said that an official investigation is underway to find out how the arms were smuggled into the prison and for what purpose.