


March 1, 2013

Helga Zepp-LaRouche Interviewed in Greek National Daily Ellada

English: Helga Zepp-LaRouche, german journalis...
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, german journalist and political activist (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Ellada (Greece), a daily which circulates nationally in Greece, published a hard hitting interview on Feb. 25 with Helga Zepp LaRouche, presented as Chairperson of the Schiller Institute and of the BüSo. Covering two full pages, including pictures, this interview is the first for Zepp-LaRouche in a major Greek daily. The interviewer was Dr. Nicolas Laos, one of the daily’s leading commentators, who wrote an introduction giving background on the LaRouches’ and their political  movement.

Of the seven questions he had asked Helga Zepp-LaRouche to answer in writing, three were published in full, and the remaining four replies were summarized. All the questions were sharp and highly relevant to the current international strategic and financial crisis. They included the request to comment on the causes of the financial and economic crisis afflicting Europe, and especially the Eurozone, “where huge state-imposed austerity programs are implemented,” together with bank bailouts, and to “articulate a robust policy of socio-economic development.”

In reply, the leader of the Schiller Institute pointed to the paradigm shift which has occurred, in particular the total shift “away from production based on scientific and technological progress toward monetarism and the idea that  money makes money’ after President Nixon’s abolition of the Bretton Woods System, the creation of unregulated offshore markets and the adoption of floating exchange rates.” Since then, “a completely unregulated derivative market of virtual assets has mushroomed,” exceeding the real economy of the world by orders of magnitude.

As for Europe, she said: “The imposition of the euro system as the ‘price to pay for German unification’ was never done with the intention of a creating a prosperous European economy, but rather to have Europe revert back to a feudal, deindustrialized state under a supranational dictatorship, as various admissions by Giuliano Amato, Jaques Attali or Jean-Claude Juncker confirm. The present crisis in the Eurozone is not an accident of a well-intended policy, but it is the result of an intended ‘regime change,’ away from sovereign nation states, towards feudal dictatorship, in which the EU became the junior partner of an Anglo-American dominated empire, which is just another way of saying ‘globalisation’. All European peoples have become the victims of this policy. The Greek people were obviously the hardest hit, but Germany is also being destroyed.”

As for the economic policy to implement, Zepp-LaRouche went through the necessity to implement immediately Glass-Steagall types of complete bank separation, with toxic assets being written off, rather than paid by the taxpayers. That must be followed, she said, with the creation of a credit system, and the “buildup of the real economy through well defined great projects, such as NAWAPA for Canada, the US and Mexico, and the Development Program for Southern Europe, the Mediterranean and Africa elaborated by the Schiller Institute.

The second question elicited comments on the “asymmetric expansion of so-called financial capitalism visa vis the real economy” and the need for technological breakthroughs to revolutionize the economy.

Here, Zepp-LaRouche expanded on the intention of both “Helicopter Ben” Bernanke of the Federal Reserve and Mario Draghi of the European Central Bank to go for a  hyper-inflationary policy as a means of paying off the private speculative debts at the expense of the population, a policy that must be stopped immediately.

On technological breakthroughs, Zepp-LaRouche referred to the recent meteorite shower in Russia and asteroid fly-by which delivered a wake-up call to all, since impacts of large asteroids or comets could wipe out the population of Earth. “Human beings, however, are the only species capable of creativity and of understanding the physical principles of the universe at large. Therefore we can meet these challenges in principle, if we change our present policy course. Space exploration and manned space travel are not an option, they are mandatory in order to solve the problems we face. The recent landing of the Mars rover Curiosity gives us every reason for optimism, and to believe that we are only at the beginning of the age of space colonization.”

Contributed to HellasFrappe
By E.I.R. Strategic Alert