


February 28, 2013

Russia Planning To Invest In Greek Agricultural Products, Tourism, Energy, Pharmaceuticals & Housing

FOREIGN MINISTRY, MOSCOW. At the meeting with ...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Russia is the first country to see the new investment law, in Parliament for discussion and ratification, government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou said this week. Following a meeting at the Commerce and Industry Chamber (CCI) of the Russian Federation, Kedikoglou was quoted as saying that Russia trusted the Greek economy and was interested in ventures in agricultural products, tourism, alternative energy sources, pharmaceuticals and rural housing for the Russian middle class.

Accompanied by the Development Secretary General Serafim Tsokas and Invest in Greece representative Elias Eliadis, Kedikoglou also mentioned railway networks, key ports and pharmaceutical products as being of possible investment interest and contributing to the distribution of products in Russian and European markets.

CCI Vice-President Georgy Petrov said Russian business was very interested in investing in Greece, as wre the 175 CCI member chambers, and committed to promoting information on the investment law and key investment plans.

It is not a crisis of the Greek economy but of the EU, and Greece has been relegated to the role of its victim," Petrov said, mentioning that Russia is reviewing the EU's mistakes in order to avoid them during the development of the customs union and the unified area of Russia, Byelorussia and Kazakhstan among the three countries.

Kedikoglou is holding a series of meetings in Moscow that include the assistant to Russian president Vladimir Putin on international issues, the alternate foreign minister, and the vice-president of Russian Railways. (AMNA)