


February 24, 2013

BREAKING NEWS - Authorities Shoot Down Helicopter In Trikala To Avoid Jail Break

The above picture is from In the photo the helicopter was getting ready to land on the rooftop of the penitentiary to help Panagiotis Vlastos escape, but the jail break was averted when the helicopter was forced to land by armed police guards.

An unsuccessful prison escape was just averted at the Trikala penitentiary as one of Greece's most dangerous criminals Panagiotis Vlastos once again attempted to escape prison, this time via a helicopter. According to reports on newsbomb, newsnow and ANT1 television news report, the escape was staged shortly before 5 pm, but authorities acted quickly to avert the escape. (Sources from the tromaktiko news site claim that prison officials were alert after receiving an inside scoop that a 'hit' was underway from various informants at Korydallos prison). Armed guards and local police (who rushed to scene) apparently shot down the helicopter which fell into an area next to the prison.

The incident was first announced from

According to an announcement from the Ministry of Public Order announced: "At 16:45 a helicopter with four passengers approached the Trikala prison. The assailants in the helicopter began shooting at the police officers and security guards below, and in retaliation they forced the helicopter to land in a courtyard area next to the prison. All four passengers were arrested."

A separate report on ANT1 television said that Vlastos was injured during the shootout and is now at the prison hospital and in critical condition.

Vlastos, who is considered one of the most dangerous criminals in Greece, is responsible for the 2009 kidnapping of ship-owner tycoon Periklis Panagopoulos.