
January 16, 2013

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Turkey Blocks Cyprus-Israel Affiliation in Int'l Agency for Renewable Energies

So what?
(Photo credit: Daikrieg)
Turkey is outraged over a much awaited Greece-Cyprus-Israeli EEZ unification and in retaliation blocked Cyprus and Israel's affiliation with the International Agency for Renewable Energies (IRENA) on Tuesday at its recent meeting in Abu Dhabi.

Greece, along with Cyprus and Israel have already forged strong a strong strategy against Turkish threats, in terms of aerial surveillance and protection of EEZs, while the next step will be to unite all three EEZs (those that have already been designated by Israel and Cyprus and that the other EEZ that Greece intends to declare). But Turkey, which wants to be the only dominant force in the region, is continuing to challenge this move by striking at two of the three partners in the area of renewable energies. This is apparently a very important sector for both countries since they are blessed with high levels of sunshine most of the year just as Greece is and exploit its possibilities.

Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yildiz said that his country does not view Israeli and Cyprus memberships as being positive. "This is a permanent and assiduous policy of Turkey. No one can expect us to support an understanding which always tries to exclude us from Europe and from other environments, and, as a consequense we oppose Israel's and Cyprus' membership to the Council."

Nonetheless, its really not a big loss, after all the goal is to concentrate on natural gas development and a single huge, profitable EEZ, something that Turkey never thought would happen in its worse nightmares.

Strangely enough, since Israel turned their attention toward renewable energy, they've moved into the top tier for such things ... or they were almost two years ago. But under Prime Minister Erdogan, Turkey has been more concerned with spewing bile than effectiveness. And to be fair, he's very good at spewing bile.

The Minister said that voting on admission of new members to the IRENA was held in the UAE's capital Abu Dhabi. Given that Turkey is a member of the agency, the country was able to oppose the adoption of Cyprus and Israel to membership in IRENA.

The International Agency for Renewable Energies was established in January 2009 at its founding conference in Bonn. The event on Tuesday was apparently  attended by well over 120 countries. IRENA is the first organization on the intergovernmental level with the power to stimulate the development of renewable energy sources. The Agency aims to take its rightful place in the global energy sector, along with the IAEA and IEA. It's charter is signed by 141 States (47 African, 37 European, 33 Asian, 15 representing the American continents, 9 - Australia and Oceania), as well as the European Union, while its main activities include the provision of consulting services, the creation of framework conditions for the use of renewable energy sources, as well as the financing and provision of appropriate technology for their application.


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