


January 21, 2013

The Cry Of "Mana" Hellas

What does the loss of a child do to a parent? To a mother that yearns to hold her son or daughter and is not able to?  To a father that yearns to see his child as an extension of himself and never will?

Contributed To HellasFrappe
By Sandy Kyroglou Rekes

How do we define loss?
        "detriment, disadvantage, or deprivation from failure to keep, have, or get".
When a parent loses a child they are at a disadvantage. They are deprived of the happiness that only a child can give. The loss of a child is detrimental to a parents wellbeing just as the loss of a parent is detrimental to a child's wellbeing.

Greece is a parent. For many years and because of external factors she has lost hundreds of thousands of her children and continues to lose them today. How long can a mother survive this injustice?

How is she to bare the pain of continually losing her pride and joy; Her youth; and as a consequence, her future?

I am a mother and a Hellene and I feel her pain.