


January 27, 2013

SYRIZA MP Proposes To Tax Faithful Who Declare Themselves As Christians

At a recent conference titled "The Church and the Left", SYRIZA MP Tasos Kourakis suggested that believers who openly want to declare themselves as Orthodox Chrisitians, and wish to practise their faith, should be taxed separately from the rest of the public in order to maintain their churches. (At 23.20 into the video). So this means, that he wants the majority of Greeks to pay a special tax for daring to declare that they want to practise their Christian faith. (Question: Didn't a recent Arab nation tax Christians much in the same way?).

Kourakis of course forgets that Orthodoxy is recognized by the Greek Constitution as the country’s official religion and that surveys suggest that more than 90 percent of Greeks are Christians (Orthodox and Catholic). So this would mean that 90 percent of the public would be charged an extra tax for declaring to be Christians.

He also spoke about taxing the Church's property. We agree, the Church should be taxed, but we ask, where does this tie in with his theory on the separation of Church and State? We here at HellasFrappe believe that the real reason to separate the church from the state would be to instill a new morality and establish a new system of beliefs, and there is no such thing as a pluralistic society. There will always be one dominant view, otherwise it will be in transition from one belief system to another.

Besides, we here at HellasFrappe are in the opinion that SYRIZA is blatantly bigoted against Christianity because they made this suggestion. But then again, what do you expect from this Champage and progressive caviar ideology? It is easy for him to even forward such proposals since most Leftists, in SYRIZA (and the Greek Communist Party- of which SYRIZA stems from) are atheists. Even its leader Alexis Tsipras, according to Wikipedia's brief outline of him, declares himself as an atheist.

What people should realize is that SYRIZA is nothing more than a quasi-communist coalition, and we all know that the majority of communists are against religion altogether. This should really come as no surprise since SYRIZA's Bolshevik policies and Lenin-style ideologies are all for dispelling religion and nationalism which are culturally instilled by the "bourgeoisie" (which is how they define believers and conservatives), because they "the progressives" are in favor of internationalism.

Friends, this is not the first time that the Orthodox faithful are being attacked. A good example of this is looking at what happened in Russia. But even during that era, religious beliefs and practices persisted, even though they were limited to domestic and private spheres.

In conclusion, we would like to state that proposals such as these would be more convincing if they were applied to all religions, but they are not. The reason we say this is because SYRIZA is 100 percent in favor of making Greek taxpayers pay for the construction of a Mosque in Athens.

Sound a bit hypocritical? It is... but then again this is the opinion of a very "bourgeoisie" author.