


November 3, 2012

SPECIAL REPORT - War Scene In Aghios Panteliomanas, Citizens Left To Their Fate

Citizens in central Athens, and specifically in the Aghios Panteliomanas area have taken the law into their own hands. The surge in crime and delinquent behavior in their area from migrant gangs, which has continued undisturbed for years now, has forced them to feel helpless and unprotected by the State and even hostages in their own homes. Just this past week an illegal immigrant walked into the last Greek barber shop in the area and stabbed its 45-year old owner on what was later reported to be a mere 20 Euros. Luckily the barber was discovered by a local resident on time and he is now battling for his life in a central Athens hospital. The news about the attack spread quickly and generated anger from the residents, and this gave way to horrific scenes in Athens on Friday night that can only be compared to a violent gang movie.

Outraged from the attack, and frustrated by the non-action of the State, citizens massed, and smashed the stories of foreigners, while it was also reported that an immigrant was also stabbed on St. Meletius. Around 12 arrests were made and from what we hear the situation has yet to calm down.

Clearly the attempted murder of the barber sparked a storm of negative reaction from people who up until yesterday were friendly and welcoming to all. Obviously their memories are still haunted by the scenes from the brutal murder over a year ago of a young father who was stabbed to death by three illegal immigrants just one hour before welcoming his newborn child into the world.

Tensions in this neglected, crime-ridden part of Athens with growing immigrant communities has been mounting for years. The everyday give-and-take between local residents and all these dangerous gangs certainly escalated on Friday night. The citizens could not control their anger, and therefore massed and called on officials to investigate several "key" shops in the area which they claim systematically smuggle cigarettes, contraband products, and other illegal goods.

The residents in the area of Aghios Panteliomanas have continually called on officials to perform a routine check on these particular shops, or at least force authorities to check if they are operating with valid permits and are on the up and up, but until now the pro-PASOK and pro-SYRIZA Athens municipality has yet to respond to their calls.

The police eventually arrived and threw tear gas at the residents who were so fired up from everything that has been occurring in their neighborhoods that it was very difficult to calm them down. What they did was wrong. Violence is certainly not the answer. Raising awareness is. And because they were clouded with anger and probably could not think straight when they attacked these shops, I will raise awareness for them, by simply listing the facts.

Disturbing is the fact that the foreign media, which is quick to report a supposed attack on a migrant, refuses to publish a story that involves attacks on Greek citizens. Also, they love to talk about stormtroopers and the Golden Dawn party but never once talk about the fact that there are Muslim leaders operating in Greece who are wanted by Interpol for human trafficking by their own governments in Pakistan.

I mean did any of you come across a story this past week about the barber being stabbed? The few stories we found on Google and in the Greek press talked about light wounds.

Get real, missing the heart by several centimeters is not a light wound!

Can't all these damn globalists get it through their thick heads that violence cannot be accepted from either side. Why weren't there any tears over the barber?

I mean seriously folks... Think about it. Why is it ok when someone from the Left takes a marble slab and smashes it on the head of someone from the Righr, and its not ok when this happens the other way around?

Is it because as a society in Greece we have been brainwashed to believe that being a Leftist means that we are rebels? And rebels resort to violence therefore its ok?

And if that is the case... then why the shock from the far-right?

What kind of sick and twisted society is this?

Violence here, violence there... and innocent people are either losing their lives or getting seriously harmed.

Isn't it all sickening?

And to think that this is a huge story, with very dangerous dimensions and no one gives a damn in the media world. I mean there is a damn blood bath happening in the center of Athens, and the Greek media is just too busy practising what they do best -which is being a repeater- while the foreign media -which is presently massing in Athens ahead of the austerity vote on Tuesday- is too busy drinking lattes in some posh hotel. It is like they are sooooo busy that they don't want to even address the issue. I don't buy into it. They won't dare to talk about real issues, such as human and drug trafficking, because they probably have to WORK. Or in all fairness, it could be something else. Do they want chaos? Or do they want anarchy to take over? Is this the next chapter in the "Shock Doctrine"?

It makes me want to vomit.

To think that all these foreign media services are currently in Athens to cover the austerity vote next week...

Are they waiting for something?

Is this the reason someone suddenly walked into a barber shop and stabbed an innocent Greek citizen for a mere 20 Euros knowing that it will lead to a reaction from the residents in this area who have over the last 3-4 years watched their lives turned upside down from this indescribable violence?

Friends use your common sense.

Clearly our creditors do not give a damn about our health and well-being because benefits such as security, and police patrols are now considered a luxury or probably cost too much money for them.

That is why the people in this neighborhood took the law into their own hands because they have nothing to lose anymore. They have been stripped of every type of social dignity there is. They are witnesses to every type of crime in the book every day, and small children are being subjected to horific scenes of violence. And if that isn't enough global organizations also have the b***lls to call these people racists for wanting the OBVIOUS... Peace in their neighborhood.

Friends, do not be fooled. The organizations that are pointing the finger at these people, and to all Greek people now, are in most cases shady George Soros backed humanitarian groups. Just the other day this sinister man, who is probably the most loathed man on earth after Henry Kissinger, announced that he wanted to fund housing for all these illegal immigrants because they are not being treated well in Greek detention centers in his opinion.Of course, of course.

What did he expect champagne and caviar at detention centers?

Or cricket matches?

Is he for real?

What is most troubling is that Mr. Soros has never made a similar offer for Greek citizens. Over the past two and half years, or since this crisis began, more than 3,000 Greeks have committed suicide, millions are starving, there are thousands homeless, millions are unemployed, others have lost all their savings, thousands have immigrated to every corner of this earth and Mr. Soros felt the need to be charitable with foreigners who in all reality forced their way into our country illegally.

And not one, NOT ONE, foreign media outlet has asked itself why?

Instead you all call us racists?

Why not take them into your own home Mr. Soros? Obviously you don't want them in detention centers because while there they cannot do your bidding now can they? They are under the watchful eye of the State.

I am angry and demand to know why we are being pushed to accept this massive change in our country. Is this what progress and moving forward into the new millennia is all about? It can't be, it is killing our society. It is harming our people, our country, its culture, everything! Our communities are now becoming violent! Is anyone listening?

Anyone in their right mind, given the circumstances would obviously agree with me. With the exception of course of some radical Leftists. The extreme Leftists in Greece who are nothing like the real anti-war, activists I know in other countries only want to increase their voting power and believe that by supporting these people that they will finally seize power. And the reason I am so critical of them is simple. They are far from being "socialists". I mean how can you claim to be a socialist when you own a luxury yacht and a home in Ekali? (which is like Beverly Hills).  Seriously... Is it proper, or is it normal for you to speak about sharing the wealth when you know that you have millions stashed away in Swiss bank accounts?


You are supporting human trafficking for obvious reasons which probably deal with greed!

Yes you read correctly... Why not call it for what it is.

When illegal immigrants pay a smuggler money and are then trafficked into another country, then what is that called... luxury travel?

Oh.. And By the way, explain to us please how they find 4 or 5,000 euros that you claim it costs them for this trip. I mean are they or are they not from third world nations? From what I know these nations do not pay out more than 2 Euros a day to their workers. So how on earth do they manage to gather the money together. I mean if this were true then that would mean that they would have to work at least 10 years, not live and certainly not spend any money on food, just so that they can afford to pay for this trip. No. Can't buy into it. Something else is going on here and it STINKS.

But getting back to what we were discussing before, Leftists in Greece actually believe that free residency should be given to anyone who asks for it and they even have the audacity to call anyone who opposes this idea -or even dares to question why they support it - a racist. So much so that they inspired Leftist newspapers across Europe and Soros backed NGOs to begin saying the same thing. And if that wasn't enough even the United Nations began to point the finger at Greeks noting that we need to be friendlier to these poor impoverished people.

Nice philosophy, or rather nice try, from all these wanna-be's, but it's not going to cut it, and as you will read further down I have listed many reasons why this is not going to work. Obviously giving asylum and/or legalizing all these people would only harm our democracy both on a national and European level.

Aside from the cultural clash, we do not know anything about these people because in most cases they tear up their documentation when they illegally or forcefully enter our country. They could be wanted criminals, terrorists, they could be carriers of rare diseases, etc.. We are clueless. Some sort of documentation is needed, and this is not available in most cases.

Then there are the organizations that defend and support them. They too are "shady' and really should be investigated by competent officials. Their claim that these people pay a certain amount of X money in order to be smuggled into Europe is a damn lie. And I truly believe it. After calculating all the information that is already on the Internet, reading report after report, and watching a series of documentaries I firmly believe that these people are being smuggled into Europe to either be recruited in slave camps for work, or to be used as slaves in the fields, or to either be used in criminal activity, or for prostitution, for illegal arms sales, or to traffic drugs. I am even convinced that their smugglers probably even credit this money to them before they even set off on their journey promising a life of abundance to them to sweeten the package. I remember one such documentary about the human trafficking of women, and how they are forced to pay off thousands of dollars by sleeping with 15 and even 20 men a day or else their families would seriously be harmed in their homelands. These women are still being trafficked this way, and can easily be spotted in strip clubs, or in brothels across Greece. But of course... drinking coffee in central Athens is probably more important to our international correspondents than actually tackling subjects such as these.

Speaking of such reports, a recent Balkan analysis report on organized crime in Greece points out that there is a sharp increase in organized crime in Greece, a trend accompanied by the country’s ongoing economic crisis and marked by the involvement of transnational crime organizations and illegal immigrant groups.

The information gathered by from police sources, media reports and special field research in Athens indicates that Greek authorities – with assistance from strategic foreign partners like Israel – are taking measures to combat the crime wave and reduce the power of criminal groups. Nonetheless, organized crime syndicates in Greece have been expanding steadily over the past decade.

It says that the existence of an abundance of illegal firearms and illicit market for them, the concentration in certain locales of illegal immigration populations, and the severe economic crisis gripping the country has provided an ideal climate in which criminal groups are able to arm themselves, recruit “foot soldiers” and generally increase their clout. Greek authorities estimate that some 1.5 million firearms exist in the country; however, the number of licensed owners of hunting rifles does not exceed 300,000 people, meaning that the rest of the weapons are illegally owned.

And if that wasn't enough, in its recent report on Terrorism in 2009, the US State Department pointed out that “Greece is increasingly an EU entry point for illegal immigrants coming from the Middle East and South Asia and there was concern that it could be used as a transit route for terrorists travelling to Europe and the United States." Read that story by clicking here -

Also months earlier we had also re-published a story from international analyst Ioannis Michelatos that said that the Greek secret service has mapped a transnational network of radicals that has been developing in Greece over the past few years. Field informants indicate that this semi-legal web spreads across five different communities, including:
  • Mosques and local Muslim communities
  • Humanitarian organizations and NGOs
  • Islamic cultural centers in Europe
  • Foreign political, economic and religious elites
  • International Islamist terrorist organizations
The key members of this network, according to Michaletos, are (referred to as “The Union of Mosques” or “The Union of Imams”) and have military training and combat experience and are well connected with terrorist groups, foreign governments and the Muslim Diaspora in Europe (mainly in Britain, Italy and France). They use criminal activities to finance and facilitate their ideological objectives. The most noticeable illegal activities they conduct are passport forging, arms trafficking, people smuggling and drug trafficking. Finally, according to the same sources, the network has developed an internal structure to support fundraising, recruitment and other activities. Read more about that by clicking here

And I ask... How can people not REACT when they know all the above?

How can the press deliberately bat its eyes to such information, and only talk about racist Greeks? Is it because Soros' foundations are not only generous with illegal immigrant organizations? Has he been dabbling with the media as well? Is that why?

As for the people of Aghios Panteleimonas, the only thing left for them to do is to raise even more awareness to as many people as they can about what is going on in their neighborhood. They have a long struggle ahead of them which cannot result to violence again because it will backfire on them and not present their cause for what it is. Besides, it is never the solution.

Under normal conditions, and through legal channels, had these migrants -whom might indeed be in desperate need to find their silver lining in Europe- applied for residency like we all did when we immigrated to Canada, to the US, to Australia, to England, to the UK, etc, then I am certain that the people of Aghios Panteleimonas -as well as across Greece- would of lived in harmony with them, or at least would not resent them.

But because Greeks are now looked at as the "bad boys" of Europe, we don't even deserve this right.

Instead, our European allies are purposely allowing our country to become the dumping ground for all the traffic that is entering the EU from the Islamic world.

And I ask WHY?

Why are you doing this to this country?

Is this how you plan to kneel us and conform to all your wishes? Is this how you plan to wipe us out as a people and have slaves working in southern europe so that you can compete with countries like China? Do you really believe that you can? Hello... They are billions. We are ants to them. 

Greece is a patient and generous nation, but damn its people have had enough and they have reached their limit! I mean just the other day, several mothers from a daycare that operates in the same area asked that the center stops accepting Greek children because they were outnumbered by foreigners. And this is just one example of how hate is slowly brewing in a society that gave the world democracy.

The world just simply refuses to allow this country to breath. For two years you continue to hit us with your ratings, your austerity, your influx of illegal workers and all this for what? To belittle us? FOR WHAT? Don't you realize that you cannot achieve this. We see it for what it is. And because we do, we will fight it with every means possible. Others will spread awareness, others will protest, others will unite voices. We will not accept the destruction of our country. We know that strong societies and united communities cannot be controlled, and we know that you do not like this and that is why we refuse to be controlled by anyone.

My advice to the foreign press would be to break out of the bubble they are in and see this for what it is. We do not deserve this as a people and they should be reporting this.

Support the truth!

Instead of talking about racist Greeks, why not try and tackle the illegal movement of goods, or people. Oh... and while you are at it, why not do some self-criticism as well. Why not analyze why you always fail to mention that the nationalist movements in your own countries are much stronger than that of Greece. Why not speak about the violence that you too are seeing and experiencing on your own city streets. I mean get real. We read the news. We know what is going on. I can give you 100 stories in a flick of the wrist from the Telegraph, the Guardian, etc... We know that you understand very well what we are talking about.

But no. Concentrate on the bad kids of Europe. Time to point the finger at the bad ones.

Who are you people anyway? And why do you feel so superior to us?

Have you realized who we are?

WE gave you the freedom of expression, WE gave you the incentive to think, WE gave you the inspiration to analyze. Yes. Digest it. WE the GREEKS, the bad boys of Europe, the racists as you now call us were so generous that we even gave you the name Europe!

Just before I close this story, and while checking for an update I read on defencenet that the situation is still tense there and there are now fears that anti-authoritarians or anarchists will group together with gangs of illegal immigrants and create serious chaos in the forthcoming hours.

Residents have called out to the State to intervene and protect their well-being. We seriously hope that they will be protected and that they will refrain from violence.

Knowing the way the press works, if such scenes eventually happen all the foreign media will care about is skyrocketing its ratings. I can just see producers on BBC, CNN, etc... rubbing their hands with glee.  Who cares if people get hurt... These reporters are too busy right now networking, mingling, drinking martinis, waiting for the frustration to spillover in Athens so that they can shoot some nice scenes this forthcoming week when the Greek government votes for the new austerity measures.

How convenient, and how predictable!

Friends, violence is not the answer from either side, whether you are from the right or the left. I cannot applaud the actions of the residents, because I seriously do not believe in a "you slap me so I will slap you" ideology. I feel that as a true Hellene, our people are above that.

We are Hellenes. We always had sophistication and logic and we should never forget that, but rather put it into concrete use. This is the only way we can challenge this new threat.

Marina Spanos