


November 29, 2012

Parliament Votes Against SYRIZA Proposal For Committee On Memorandum

It is indeed a sad day for Greek democracy. The Greek Parliament on Thursday rejected a proposal by the radical leftist party SYRIZA to establish a committee charged with investigating the Greece's signing of the memorandum deals (by the former government of George Papandreou) with the EU and the IMF. A total of 256 MPs voted, 167 of which voted against the formal investigation, and only 119 voted in favor.

The vote comes a day after an opinion poll that was conducted by the VPRC polling company for the Epikaira magazine showing SYRIZA in a slight lead over its political rivals. More exactly, SYRIZA garnered 31.5 percent, New Democracy 26.5 percent and support for the Golden Dawn party was recorded at 12.5 percent. The two other parties in the coalition, PASOK and Democratic Left, barely gathered 5 and 5.5 percent respectively.

One night earlier, and specially on Tuesday a separate opinion poll from MARC for Alpha TV showed SYRIZA at 29 percent, and New Democracy at 26.2 percent.

In a statement prior to the vote, SYRIZA slammed Prime Minister Antonis Samaras of giving in to the demands of Greece's international creditors. He said that Samaras' support for the memorandum, and surrender to Greece's creditors, combined with Greece's absence from all discussion on Europe's ongoing developments are the three pillars of a national strategic defeat and subjugation.

VIDEO 1 - Leader of the Independent Greek Party, Panos Kammenos, had said ahead of time that his MPs would support the proposal. In this video he notes the reasons that he supported this investigation. This is a must WATCH. The second video is a pitiful rhetoric from PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos actually had the audacity to slam the investigation conducted by the Financial prosecution of Greece, which Kammenos was referring to, and instead fed us the regular sh***t he he always does to cover up the accusations against Papandreou and especially his party. The shocking part of all of this is... that the New Democracy party voted against SYRIZA's proposal, even though ahead of the June 17 elections it had promised to investigate this right after it gained power. Speaking about m@lakies... On Tuesday Venizelos also said a huge p@para... Much like dictators do he noted that he was looking to find a legal framework to force the Golden Dawn party out of Parliament, forgetting of course or rather disrespecting half a million Greek citizens who actually voted for this party, and most importantly stepping all over the Greek Constitution. Mr. Venizelos, who is definitely  the most loathed man in Greece after George Papandreou should really get off his high horse and learn when to keep his trap shut. He cannot dictate and force his own democracy on the people of this country. If half a million people voted for this party, then he needs to accept this, and challenge it -if competent enough- at the next elections. He should also be arrested for purposely holding the Lagarde List in one of his drawers for over two years, and finally he should return the 750,000 luxury car he used under the Papandreou government, and refuses to give up. Who the hell does he think he is. And what type of blackmail did he use on Samaras' government this time to keep Papandreou and his party from being once again exposed.

Editor's Note - We have supported the conservative party on more than one occasion, but the decision to vote against this probe really angered us. We the people deserve the right to know what types of games were played behind our backs before, during and after the signing of the Memorandums. We are very disappointed with the conservatives, as well as all the other members of the Greek government. Shame on them for protecting George Papandreou and his sidekick George Papakostantinou, who we all know betrayed our country.