


November 27, 2012

LECTURE - The Problem With Money in Politics - L.Lessig, Harvard Law (VIDEO)

On November 17th, Cenk Uygur joined some of the leading minds in the country at the UCLA School of Law to discuss Constitutional and legislative solutions to get big money and corporations to release their chokehold on American democracy and policy. Among the distinguished speakers was Lawrence Lessig, Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, as well as a leading American academic and political activist. Here, The Young Turks are proud to present his speech from the Money Out, Voters In conference. "Our democracy is in danger. The influence of big money over our government grows steadily as the power of individual American citizens weakens every day. Due to historic Supreme Court decisions, giant contributions from wealthy individuals and corporations shapes who gets elected and what they do once in office. Big money increasingly dominates our economic, environmental, and social policies. It's time for Americans to take back their government"*

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