


November 1, 2012

Latsis Foundation - 2013 Public Call For Scientific Projects

John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation
John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation (credit: Tilemahos Efthimiadis)
Announcement of the results of the public call.

Since 2008, the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation has included among its activities the funding of one-year research projects. The main purpose of the Foundation’s initiative is to advance research activities in a wide range of scientific fields in Greece and to promote collaborations between Greek and foreign universities and research foundations. In this context, the Foundation issues an annual open call, which outlines the terms and conditions for participation.

Until today, the Foundation has funded:

10 projects in the year 2008 (7 projects pertaining to Social Sciences and Humanities and 3 to Physical and Engineering Sciences)

15 projects in the year 2009 (equally distributed amongst the three scientific fields)

21 projects (equally distributed amongst the three scientific fields)

19 projects in the year 2011 (6 projects pertaining to Social Sciences and Humanities, 6 to Life Sciences and 7 to Physical and Engineering Sciences)

17 projects in the year 2012 (6 projects pertaining to Physical and Engineering, 6 to Life Sciences and 5 to SciencesSocial Sciences and Humanities)

18 projects in the year 2013 (equally distributed amongst the three scientific fields)

For further information on the projects and research teams selected for funding in the year 2013. (Click Here to find out more - )