


November 5, 2012

Conspiracy Or Truth - Romney Pleads For Russian Help Over US Civil War Fears

Romney (Photo credit: Talk Radio News Service)

A Russian Federal Security Services (FSB) report claims that US Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney sent to President Putin a seven-page letter this past week outlining future Russian-American goals under his potential administration, but also asked for “help and guidance” as he stated his fears of a soon coming “civil war” in his country.

According to this report, this astonishing letter was personally delivered to Kremlin authorities by Matt Romney, the hopeful future US President’s son, who was in Moscow in search of investors for his California-based real estate company Excel Trust, but whose true mission was to relay this personal message between his father and Putin.

The Moscow Times, in confirming this FSB report, further stated that Matt Romney told a person supposedly able to pass messages to Putin that his father wants “good relations” if he succeeds Obama in the White House.

Romney’s outreach to Putin stands in sharp contrast to his 26 March comment to CNN wherein he stated that Russia was, “without question our number one geopolitical foe”.

Romney's comments came in the context of Obama's 26 March “hot mic” moment with then President Medvedev after a meeting in Seoul. Obama was heard telling Medvedev he would have “more flexibility” on missile defense after the presidential election. (Also check video below)

Putin’s response to Romney’s statement was his saying: “That Mr. Romney considers us enemy number one and apparently has bad feelings about Russia is a minus, but, considering that he expresses himself bluntly, openly and clearly, means that he is an open and sincere man, which is a plus. We will be oriented toward pluses, not minuses, and I am actually very grateful to him for formulating his position in a straightforward manner.”

Interesting to note about Putin’s comments, and as, perhaps, best explained by the Washington Post News Service, “Soviet leaders used to prefer Republicans to Democrats, in the belief that Republicans were tough but more sincere and, once they made a promise, were more likely to deliver on it.”

Putin, in an apparent nod to his Soviet predecessors, has, likewise, shown his disdain for American Democrats, especially with his stating last month that he would not renew a pact on weapons with the US, and as we can, in part, read as reported by the New York Times News Service:
“The Russian government said Wednesday that it would not renew a hugely successful 20-year partnership with the United States to safeguard and dismantle nuclear and chemical weapons in the former Soviet Union when the program expires next spring, a potentially grave setback in the already fraying relationship between the former cold war enemies.”

To Romney’s fears of a coming civil war in America, this report continues, rests in this US Presidential hopefuls concerns that this year’s presidential election is shaping up to have possibly that nation’s most racially polarized electorate ever.

In speaking with the Los Angeles Times News Service, Mike Madrid, a Republican campaign consultant in Sacramento, echoed these fears by stating, “Presidential elections have always been about how the white vote breaks. This is fundamentally different.… The outcome of the presidential contest is no longer just about how the white vote breaks, but by how many Hispanics and blacks turn out against the white vote, which is troubling.”

Raising these fears even further was a statement this past Friday by the popular left-wing Obama supporter Bill Maher, who on his HBO's Real Time television programme warned: “If you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you.”

Maher’s threat against white people voting for Romney, sadly, is not an isolated event as the US social monitoring site, which monitors Tweets throughout America, has documented a shocking rise in threats to whites should Obama lose, and include such statements as:

“If Obama doesn't win, I will actually start a riot. This is not a joke.”

“If Romney win , me obama and 2 chainz going to start a riot and shoot his ass!”

“If Obama lose it's going to be the biggest riot in history… Beacause, I'm going to start it!”

In the face of these fears, and a potential Obama victory, white America has, in turn, been, literally, “arming itself to the teeth” with a recent AP analysis of data tracking the health of the gun industry showing that sales are on the rise, so much so that some gun manufacturers can't make enough guns fast enough and the number of federally licensed, retail gun dealers is increasing in the US for the first time in nearly 20 years.

To Romney’s specific fears as, outlined in his letter to Putin, this FSB report says, are post-election actions Obama would take should widespread civil unrest erupt because of his being defeated, and which could possibly include his assuming dictatorial rule over the United States thus negating a Romney win.

To if Obama is actually preparing to do such a thing, FSB analysts in this report note, there does appear to be a “strong likelihood” as evidenced by this past summers massive arms purchases for Obama regime troops involving over 1.4 billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition, a type of bullet banned by the Hague Convention of 1899, Declaration III, which prohibits the use in international warfare of bullets such as these which easily expand or flatten in the body.

Should Romney’s fears be realized, this report concludes, the outcome for Russia could, indeed, be grim as it will ironically be faced with a hostile United States ruled by the same type of socialist and communist madmen the Motherland took over 70 years to throw out of power at the expense of tens-of-millions human lives.

As evidence of this happening to the United States, for the first time in modern history this once great nation has dropped out of the top ten of the world’s most prosperous countries as it continues its descent into the abyss economic collapse and social upheaval, a sight not seen since the outbreak of their cataclysmic Civil War in 1861.

Sorcha Faal