


October 22, 2012

SICK & TWISTED - State Investigating Golden Dawn Because It Is In Support Of Legal Employment

Employee of the Month Reserved Parking Sign

Talk about a sick and twisted society! Greek store owners, who currently employ immigrants are now complaining that they are being pressured by the Golden Dawn party to legally hire unemployed Greeks. A report in the TA NEA newspaper said at the weekend that the Ministry of Public Order ordered police officials to investigate these allegations so it can determine which businesses/shops the Golden Dawn party has visited and apparently threatened with action! Certainly the businesses that are employing migrants legally have nothing to fear... but our feeling here at HellasFrappe -and this article is solely our opinion- is that the businesses that are making all these complaints and/or fear of being exposed are not employing immigrants legally but are rather supporting cheap black market labor. Also, we feel that the government is just looking for one more reason to slam the far-right party because it is gaining a lot of support with Greek voters.

Instead of addressing the problem HEAD on... and eradicating illegal employment which robs the State from needed funds that help our social welfare, the Greek government decided to take action against a political party for bringing this to the public eye.

This is sheer HYPOCRISY and STUPIDITY. Obviously the sector of employment is the work of the State but the Greek government has not adopted any indicatives in order to motivate businesses and store owners to come clean in this department, let alone stray away from hiring cheap labor or undocumented migrants.

And you kind of have to wonder... Aren't they in desperate need of State funds? Of course they are... But their way of reform is by lightly dusting the problem instead of addressing it head on!

Our conclusion is that the Greek government does not give a damn about the people of this country because if it actually did, then it would have locked down half the hotels around the country this past summer for illegally employing illegal immigrants. And that is just one example. Visit a gas station, fruit or vegetable shop, or even a nightclub and if you find anyone speaking Greek and that is legally employed there then we here at HellasFrappe will eat our electronic notebook.

We agree that its not the Golden Dawn party's duty to address such initiatives. But we are glad that someone is actually dealing with our day-to-day lives.

Our daily survival is not only about EU summits, or how much money Eurobank is going to make. More than one quarter of the population is unemployed, pensions and wages have been slashed, and going to the supermarket has become a luxury. So when a political party brings attention to something we all know exists... then our government should not slap them on the butt by ordering an investigation, they should look at ways of how to work with them so that this problem is eliminated.

Finally, we have noticed that the Greek government does not like when the Golden Dawn party raises social common everyday issues such as this. We personally feel that it feels challenged because it has no answers on how to address the problem. Maybe its because it's too busy being "politically correct" maybe its because it does not have the mechanisms to do so, or maybe, just maybe it is totally incompetent. Who knows?

For us, its common sense. When you talk about cracking down on the black market, then this means illegal employment as well. And when you really get right down to the nitty gritty of it... WHY SHOULDN'T GREEK PEOPLE BE PREFERRED FOR WORK FIRST? After all, they are the ones that pay the damn taxes in this country!

That is why we decided to jot down our thoughts about this subject, and not to defend the actions of some political group as some people might think. Besides, HellasFrappe does not belong to ANY political party and some people better start getting this through their thick skulls. We are only committed to the truth... common sense and the Greek Diaspora!

If there is one thing that we here at HellasFrappe detest about the Greek State and especially the Greek mainstream media is its indifference towards the citizens it serves and makes money from... as well as the manners or methods it uses to twist the information around so that it can excuse its inactivity, incompetence and uselessness.