


October 18, 2012

SHOCKING - 100,000 Greek Businesses Have Closed Down In Less Than 3 Years

ATHENS, GREECE - MAY 29:  A woman passes a clo...
ATHENS, GREECE - MAY 29: A woman passes a closed shop in the city centre on May 29, 2011 (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

The General Confederation of Professional Handicraftsmen and Merchants of Greece (GSEVEE) has addressed a letter to Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and the party leaders, calling for a meeting with them. According to the letter, "the figures from Eurostat show that the vicious circle of recession is threatening the endurance of society, the viability of businesses and is leading to the mass ruin of jobs and it does not allow government and party isolationism and unilateral decisions."

GSEVEE also pointed out that "the policy of internal devaluation, also according to data of GSEVEE, has led 100,000 businesses (net decrease) to a discontinuation of work over the past 2.5 years. Data that is also confirmed by Eurostat".

As regards jobs, about 500,000 have been lost in the private sector from 2010 until today, resulting in the economic crisis tending to turn into an intensively humanitarian one as well. The private sector and small businesses in particular have 'kneeled'".

More than 90,000 small and average-size (SMEs) Greek businesses were obliged to close down from 2008 until 2011, with predictions for this year remaining ominous. This data is included in the results of a performance evaluation report achieved by SMEs in all EU member-states, that was prepared by the European Commission.  (AMNA)