


October 24, 2012

Harvard Student Backs Papandreou To Corner With Question On Greek Debt With HIDDEN CAMERA

George Papandreou (junior)
G.Papandreou  (credit: Wikipedia)

Accepting questions from students after the end of his speech at Harvard's Kennedy School, former premier and leader of PASOK and present visiting Fellow (and not professor), George Papandreou agreed to answer a student's question about the controversial book that was recently released by former Representative of Greece to the IMF, Panagiotis Roumeliotis. His response was recorded via hidden camera... and it will astound you!

The student, Panagiota, (an associate professor by trade), asked Papandreou if the allegations in Roumeliotis' book were true. The book, which is titled titled "The Unknown Background Before Applying to the IMF",  reveals how Greece was led to the Memorandum by Papandreou's PASOK government. It also features the dialogues that were held between himself and the former PM and the mistakes that were made which eventually led to the collapse of the Greek economy. In the book, the author reveals that Dominique Strauss-Kahn had summoned Roumeliotis to send a warning to Papandreou to proceed immediately with a debt restructuring plan. Executing his orders, Roumeliotis then warned Papandreou five times, namely in March, April, May, June and October 2010, because at the time European banks were loaded with Greek bonds and, consequently, the former Prime Minister had the bargaining power to do it. And even though Roumeliotis delivered this information to the former premier, Papandreou just shut his ears and literally played the role of a deaf man.

"If debt restructuring occurred with the first memorandum, all these tough austerity measures and the fiscal adjustment program would have more of a chance of being a  success," says Roumeliotis in his book. "The former government is completely responsible, since it did not pressure its European partners towards this direction and it did not exploit the expert advice from Dominique Strauss-Kahn that restructuring the debt was necessary."

In such a context Panagiota asks Papandreou to respond truthfully to the allegations... and if he intended to seek legal action against the former Greek representative at the IMF.

After the students erupt into laughter, Papandreou included, he gives a surprising answer.

He said that Roumeliotis was not far from the truth!

(Editor - Huh?)

"Mr. Roumeliotis is not far from the truth, but he could not know the whole truth," replied Mr Papandreou. "He, however, only saw one side." And then he said a whopper! He said that he actually asked for a Greek debt restructuring but that the European Central Bank was against it!

According to him, the Europeans were not willing to give Greece any money because Greece had to prove that it was "credible".

Now if this were true... then why is the Greek government presently holding a preliminary hearing and investigating these and other such similar allegations? Why did Roumeliotis' statements in Greece create such thunder amongst economic and political circles? Why does the Greek press believe that Roumeliotis' statements can add the nails to the coffin of Papandreou? And why does the Greek press say that the testimony that Roumeliotis' gave to financial prosecutor G. Peponis places Papandreou and George Papakostantinou (who was his minister of finance) in an extremely difficult position?

We will tell you why... because where there is smoke there is FIRE.

Akou ekei... Credible...

Credible Mr. Papandreou is not hiring a further 60, 000 public sector workers -or PASOK supporters- when you know that the Greek economy is collapsing, and when you have signed a Memorandum that is telling you not to do so, or when you have to cut down on State spending and especially when you had the audacity to cut pensions and wages from poor Greek people.

Credible Mr. Papandreou is not inviting hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into our country so that the European Left can gain voters in an obvious conservative Europe.

Credible Mr. Papandreou is not taking the role of Prime Minister, and having first-hand knowledge about the economy, while your brother owns a company that deals with hedge funds and CDS and that bets against the Greek economy.

J E S U S !!!!

We thank Panagiota for the question -and especially the video- but next time she should ask him about his brothers dealings in the CDS market, or his close connections with George Soros. Or she can ask him why he has such close relations with all the banksters in Greece.

She can even ask him how he became a Fellow in Harvard Kennedy School. Was it through his close friend Socrates Kokkalis, who is a benefactor there? You know in Greece Mr. Kokkalis has been charged of being "Germany's" man here. She can even ask him if he got the job through his wannabe friend Gianna Aggelopoulou, who is suspected of making a fortune from her time at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games when the works in preparation for the Games were purposely inflated up to 3 and 5 times... During this period she and her 300 family friends made a fortune on the backs of the Greek people, and today people are sleeping on the streets because of this, while Gianna is attending royal weddings and holding champagne parties in Boston. 

She can even ask him to answer to the accusations of Independent Greek party leader Panos Kammenos who said that the failed Belgian bank DEXIA, in collaboration with his brother Andreas Papandreou and the company that Andreas works at UNIGESTION, placed a huge sum of money in the fluctuation of Euro/Swedish Krona just days before George Papandreou announced the referendum (Nov. 2011). Once this happened the markets went haywire giving unthinkable gains to Soros, and who knows who else! Also, when this happened Panos Kammenos gave details on how these sort of deals happen live in the Greek Parliament as well as presented documents.

Or what about asking him about what Professor at the University of Macedonia and former committee member of the Hellenic Statistical Service (ELSTAT) Zoe Georganta had said last year about the Greek deficit. According to her the 2009 was deliberately estimated at 15.4% from Eurostat (with the help of Papandreou and Papakostantinou) because they wanted it to be larger than that of Ireland's debt which was estimated at 14%. "The deficit was artificially inflated in 2009 to show that the country had the largest across Europe, including that of Ireland which was 14% in order to justify the severe measures the government wanted to impose on the country. And (that is why) Eurostat presented it at 15,4%“. 

She can also ask him why members of his party have been charged with embezzlement, money-laundering, kickbacks and God knows what else.

She can also ask him about why he decided to embrace the Memorandum from Kastelorizo... why Kastelorizo e? Is it because this island is the "key" in the East Med.?

Maybe HellasFrappe should start posting stories that concern scandals involving the PASOK party and George Papandreou's knowledge about them since he was part of the same party. One such case is the controversial Ktimatiki bank scandal in New York. Now there is one issue that is still alive -and never forgotten- in the Diaspora. Thousands of people lost their lifes savings there... and when US officials (IRS, FBI) brought the case to Greece (according to press reports) the Simitis government buried it so that it would never become public knowledge by the Greek people!

Or what about the stories involving George Papandreou's secret diplomacy with Turkey and the unthinkable division of the Aegean?

We are curious...

Exactly what is his association is with the mysterious Alex Rondos? He was after all his "adviser". This is a man who has been active in the M.East, Balkans and basically every country near the Caspian Sea (or in countries which today are part of the Arab Spring, or are suspected of having oil or natural gas). Everywhere this man has gone or stepped in, a war suddenly breaks out there several months or years later. And he is also a man who was ordered by Greek prosecutors to testify in connection to the assassination attempt against former prime minister Costas Karamanlis because, according to the press again, he had knowledge of the plot.

Maybe we should start posting all the Wikileaks Cables which show that Papandreou not only plotted against Greek interests with US officials, who were against the Karamanlis government, but that he was more than willing to do their bidding on the Kofi Anan peace plan for Cyprus -which would have been disastrous for Cyprus-, on the issue of FYROM -and God knows what he agreed to there-, and especially on the issues of energy or the South Stream and the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipelines. He even went to Russia to meet with V.Putin and instead of accepting a loan from them, which would have prevented Greece from signing the Memorandum, he spoke about "green energy". (or prasina aloga).

Or what about all the secret funds at the foreign ministry? Now that is another issue that has been making headlines in Greece. Apparently it was Papandreou who brought all these NGO's to Greece, most of which -as reports claim- are funded by George Soros.

We can go on for hours... The point is that Papandreou is nothing more than a wannabe, or a well trained puppet,  who only worked for foreign interests. And when we say he "worked/works for them" we mean it. He never once served Greece, or the Greek people. In fact his actions only showed us that he despised Greeks, since every opportunity he got -in front of the international cameras- he blast Greeks and this country, continually called us corrupt and made us look like fools even to our own people.

It is more than obvious that this man was placed in this position by a group of elite people, or oligarchs so that he can complete their work in this country, which is unfortunately blessed with natural gas and oil, as well as a strategic place in the Eastern Med. Too much evidence and reports prove otherwise.

We here at HellasFrappe cannot comprehend what these Harvard students will benefit from sitting down in a room and listening to his rhetoric. How can they accept, and/or feel the need to become enlightened from a man who destroyed the Greek economy and who brought on a crisis that has left more 20,000 homeless in Athens alone. It has made over 400,000 people live below the poverty line, it has created over one million unemployed people and it has closed over 100,000 businesses in less than two years. How can these students study how to re-design a Europe through this type of austerity? We are not Chilie... even though he reminds us of Pinochet. We feel sorry for the students who are attending his class and advise them to seek the truth elsewhere, or they risk following the same path.