The scenes that were recorded on camera at a FYROM sports event can only be described as SHAMEFUL. A match -we are guessing basketball- between FYROM and Serbia ended in total chaos. As seen in the video, the Serbian supporters have been isolated in one part of the gymnasium. At about 1.30 into the video, one supporter unfolds a Greek flag and begins waving it in the air. Maybe this supporter was a Greek-Serb, or maybe just a friend of Greece (this we do not know). Almost immediately the crowd on the other side of the arena - we are guessing FYROManians- begin hissing and booing the site of the Greek flag and then the unexplainable happened. Masked men suddenly appeared from out of no where and began brutally assaulting the Serbian supporters, especially the young sports fan who was holding up the Greek flag. Aside from taking down the site of the flag, their brutality almost caused a human stampede. We know that the Serbs support our national issues, because our cultures and beliefs are very similar, but in this case maybe the Serbian sports fan just wanted to provoke FYROManian sentiment by showing the Greek flag, since Greece and FYROM are in dispute over the issue of the name. This is not the right approach in our opinion, because as viewed in the video, it can seriously open a very dangerous can of worms. We believe history and diplomacy are still key. Nonetheless, it is not a reason to suddenly unleash a band of terror on a group of sports fans from men who hide behind masks just because you don't like the site of a flag either! If they were offended by the flag, they should have approached the supporter and simply asked him to lower it. Why the violence? Shame... These types of scenes in FYROM definitely prove that this country is close-minded, and lacks in civility!
fyrom - SRBIJA 16.10.2012. από citrusblack83