


September 28, 2012

Was 9/11 An Inside Job? - Find Out Why It Happened And the Masterminds Behind This Tragedy (VIDEOS)

September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City: V...
September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City: View of the World Trade Center and the Statue of Liberty. (Image: US National Park Service ) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So if 9/11 was really an “inside” job then who were the people “inside” that actually did it? Well the videos presented below, as well as the links to well researched information certainly stirs the senses and from what it seems the author, Kevin Ryan, has really done his homework by bringing to light some of the people “Inside” the buildings that were targeted and destroyed on 9/11. Interestingly, most of the people pointed out in some of these videos, or "the masterminds" are shockingly related or affiliated with the Bush family, or are linked directly and indirectly to think-tanks, defence companies, security agencies, and even Wall Street. Kevin Ryan's report "Demolition Access" which inspired these videos offers us keys through the very enormity of detail that he's presented about the intercontinental integration of the supranational Corporate Government, (otherwise known as "Corpotocracy" or New World Order).

So who is Kevin Ryan: Mr. Ryan lost his job at Underwriter Laboratories for publicly insisting that executives in that Corporation and in the United States Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) not lie about tests findings as to the resistance against fire of Twin Towers' structural steel. He continued on his truth-telling course. He joined with Steven Jones in proving thermitic reactions in the steel and dust of debris from the Twin Towers' explosions. He listed "The Top 10 Connections between NIST and Nano-thermites" in another far-reaching and ground-breaking paper. He also counseled Naomi Klein (author of the Shock Doctrine) and Naomi Wolf and others whose "confabulations" deny realities that most threaten them.

Considering the catastrophic incidents of September 11 2001, certain troubling but irrefutable conclusions must be drawn from the known facts. The video below is the first video in this post, that will raise some "common sense" questions. The videos that will follow will be more specific to Ryan's article.

In the next video we can see that though their interlocking partnerships are endless and often secret, the Ruling Few -or the Masterminds- are really few. They are also really limited in their visions of the present and future. The very lack of compassion that allows them to carry out acts of terror such as " '9/11' " and "7/7", as well as to carry out practices of deceit, theft, bigotry, impoverishment, etc, also blinds the Ruling Few (the elite, neo-cons or the 1%) to imminently possible solutions through cooperation. They're bound to systems of exploitation and speculation that are failing as fast as the largest Banks and Stock Markets were in 2008-2009 before our national governments fed these obviously illogical, inhumane and malignant corporations and institutions more trillions of currency.

The only real question about the Ruling Few's trajectory is whether the people of this earth, and especially those in the West, let them further feed from us and thereby take us down. Our courage must answer now whether we'll choose to stay bound to the Ruling Few's systems of credit and debt, their centuries-old game of creating money from nothing and empires for free, a game that inevitably brings the people of this world to suffer and die in acts of terror and war.

As you watch the next video it would be wise to follow its labyrinthian connections. Trace the links between the Boards and conspirators among the millionaires and billionaires it names. See what happened when thousands died. Never forget this event, and come to grips with how the whole world changed after this historic and tragic event.

Here is Kevin Ryan's four part study:
  • Tenants - Part One of the authors Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...' presents 'Tenants' of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7. His Part One especially investigates those tenants of WTC Buildings 1 and 2 that occupied airliners' impact-zones on 9/11/01. It also examines these tenants' means, motives, and opportunities for profiting from the " 'War on Terror.' "
  • Security - Part Two examines companies and individuals that provided presumable 'Security' for the two Towers and other property in the WTC complex. At least 29 individuals are named in this part as executives in Corporations' or Governments' offices (whether Federal, New York State, or New York City) that were nominally responsible for protecting the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan between 1973 and 2001.
  • Four Leading Players - Part Three of Kevin Ryan's study is a relative encapsulation, titled 'Caryle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton: A 9/11 Convergence', focusing on four of the more well-known Corporations or individuals integral to New York City's former World Trade Center and the" 'War on Terror.
  • Clean-up and Cover-up - And the final installment concerns companies and individuals responsible for 'Clean-up' at the " 'Ground Zero' " site in Lower Manhattan. We meet individuals and Corporations new and old to the 'Demolition Access' study in its concluding part.

He then gives us very good and sound advice on how we can get rid of all these greedy war mongers!

  1. MOVE YOUR MONEY INTO SMALLER BANKS - He suggests that in the first phase we must get rid of these Central Banks. "The step of withdrawing funds from the largest commercial Banks, as in the 'Move Your Money' campaign', is one good though partial turn. The step of moving sources of Government funding to publicly controlled Banks that can invest without usury in the public's well-being, such as the Bank of North Dakoka with its singular $1.3-billion surplus now does, also makes sense, per the advice of Ellen Brown and Conan O'Brien. The step of a mass public withdrawal of funds from the largest commercial, supranational Banks in a 'National Strike' is a further, dramatic and radical step.
  2. COME TO GRIPS WITH THE TRUTH - More basic than any of these sensible rebellions and practical alternatives is recognition of the whole picture that Kevin Ryan has again helped us to see.  We must therefore throw off the deeper psychological holds that the Ruling Few have imposed on us. Act on what what we know to be true. Reject the very basis for the crippling nonsense of the " 'War on Terror' ". Reject the transparently false pretext for the Ruling Few's wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Iraq and Yemen, and elsewhere. Say aloud to each other obvious truths. "9/11 was an inside-job." "9/11 is a big lie." Say these obvious truths simply, calmly, forthrightly, and build from them to take our freedom and prosperity with tools of the 21st century.
  3. JOIN SOCIAL MOVEMENTS - Creatively join the social movements that can overturn and leave behind the psychological and spiritual ills that hold us in thrall--the psy-ops and death-grips and RFID-chips of technology made totalitarian.
  4. BUY HOME GROWN PRODUCTS/ SIUPPORT COMMUNITY - Proceed forward. Turn to each other, combine resources and forces, and proceed forward. In the United States, check out possibilities at the Organic Consumers Association website. Likewise that of the American Monetary Institute. Likewise the 'Solutions Revolution' at Bill Jablonski's Part from the Corporate Government as naturally as peoples move away from ruins and deserts and the tyrants and systems that would debase, dumb-down, and annihilate them.

Source -

Editor's Note - Excellent, just excellent... we are totally glued and in "awe". We applaud and appreciate Kevin Ryan's courage, clarity, compassion and humor for dedicating his life in seeking the truth about this tragic event. He is indeed an inspiration to us all.