


September 23, 2012

The Chrisitian Bible Full of Fairy Tales And Legends - Says Greek Muslim Community

English: Christian Bible, rosary, and crucifix.
English: Christian Bible, rosary, and crucifix. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

During the press conference that was hosted last week by the President of the Association of Muslims in Greece Naim Elghandour (phonetic spelling) and a group of other personalities, the issue of Christianity was also analyzed. More specifically, the press conference addressed how the Muslim community in Greece felt about the "hate film" that was broadcasted on YouTube. It was also the stage from where Elghandour unleashed a DIRECT attack at Prime Minister Antonis Samaras calling him a racist and saying that the Muslim community in Greece is ready to "EXPLODE" because of the pressure it has been under lately, and what's more, the panelists touched on a sensitive subject to Christians without even realizing it.

Watch and listen carefully to the video we posted. One of the reporters, we believe his name is Nasim Alatras claims that the Bible contains nothing more than "legends and fairy tales", which in schoolbooks gives a negative image of the Middle East. As you will see, someone realizes right away what he just said, and he attempts to correct the mistake by saying that it was an "incorrect expression", but his associate insists!

And we ask... is this, or is this not a direct INSULT on billions of Christians worldwide? What do you have to say about this Mr. Elghandour? What are we supposed to do now, begin burning down flags, buildings and instrastructure like fanatics do? Or do we begin threatening the world with Holy Wars, e..?

And if that wasn't enough, and after noticing that the statement was not sitting well with reporters, as well as realizing the severity about what was just said, the same speaker immediately attempts to change the subject by saying that this was not the topic of discussion anyway and that they should move ahead with the press conference.

Read our analysis about the conference by clicking here

In the second video from an Australian news channel you will see a child holding up a sign that says behead anyone who insults the prophet. And we ask Mr. Elghandour and his panelists...  who influence the opinion of the peoples they represent, is this what they expect to see in Greece which is a country with more than 90 percent of Christians? Is this what a religion teaches? Religions are about love they are not about insulting other cultures and religions, or advocating for violence. They should formally apologize for these statements, and not pretend like nothing was said. Because it only makes the whole Muslim community look bad. Anyone has a right to believe in what they wish, and respect has to come from both sides... but saying that our Holy Book contains fairy tales and legends is not going to score him points with the Christian communities in Greece, and around the world. If he and his panelists want to state their opinions, and not those of the whole of the Muslim community, then they should do this during a coffee break and amongst themselves and certainly not at a formal press conference.

Editor - Friends... this is insane. Christians should respect Muslims, and Muslims should respect Christians. Our Holy Book, which these men insulted -this is totally my opinion- is not full of legends and fairy tales, it is a foundation from which we Christians base our faith on and these men are obligated to respect it. If we believed in a chair, a table, or even a tree... then they would still be obligated to respect it. Just as we Christians cannot insult the Koran, Muslims cannot -and HAVE NO RIGHT- to insult the Christian Bible. Just like we respect the law in your countries, you have to RESPECT the laws in ours. My personal opinion on this development is that this man is dangerous... and authorities should really keep their eyes on him. We have a feeling that we will see and hear even more statements as the days and weeks role by, because we see them setting a "climate". And after discovering in a previous article here on HellasFrappe that he works as an agent for Turkey... we can only expect more provocations to continue. Stay calm dear friends, these people are professionals in creating chaos... but we will not succumb to their provocations, we will rather continue to wake people up to their trickery and lies.  (Find out more about that by clicking here)