


September 28, 2012

SPECIAL REPORT - Karamanlis' Vision Gone - South Stream Is History! Gov't Signs TAP Pipeline Project Instead

credit defencenet

The incomprehensible happened. The greatest gas pipeline project in history, South Stream, which would have benefited Greece gep-strategically, and which was one of the greatest accomplishments of the former conservative Costas Karamanlis government, has been pushed to the side -actually it was shelved- by Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos. On Thursday the governments of Italy, Greece and Albania confirmed their political support for the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The signing was held on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York, and in the presence of representatives from the US government

Is this decision in favor of Greece, or is it just another blow against Russia, via Greece, in their ongoing US-Russian pipeline war? Well here is the latest on this story... And you can judge for yourselves.

According to defencenet sources, last week when Avramopoulos chaired a defense and foreign affairs committee meeting, in order to brief members about the government's policy on the issue of oil and natural gas pipelines, conservative MP Militiadis Varvitiotis asked what the fate of South Stream was, and almost instantly Avramopoulos answered that it wasn't one of the government's priorities and that the the TAP pipeline would now be endorsed. (In other words... The South Stream project has been shelved).

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) is a natural gas pipeline project that will transport gas from the Caspian region via Greece and Albania and across the Adriatic Sea to Southern Italy and further into Western Europe. The project is aimed at enhancing security of supply as well as diversification of gas supplies for the European markets. TAP will open a new so-called Southern Gas Corridor in Europe and establish a new market outlet for natural gas from the Caspian Sea and beyond. The project is designed to expand transportation capacity from 10 to 20 cm per year. TAP also envisages physical reverse flow of up to 80 per cent and the option to develop natural gas storage facilities in Albania to further ensure security of supply.

TAP’s transportation solution will be approximately 800 kilometers in length (Approx.: Greece 478 km; Albania 204 km; offshore Adriatic Sea 105 km; Italy 5 km). Transport will begin near the Greek-Turkish border (Komotini), cross Albania and the Adriatic Sea, and connect with the Italian natural gas distribution system near San Foca in Italy.

TAP’s shareholders are EGL of Switzerland (42.5%), Norway’s Statoil (42.5%) and E.ON Ruhrgas of Germany (15%).

(Editor - The countries backing this project do not surprise us one bit... And we know they helped to topple Mr. Karamanlis... Especially Germany)

The committee members were stunned, and asked the Foreign Ministry to clarify what he just said, but he refrained from commenting.

Following the committee meeting some of the members decided to discuss it with other conservative MPs including the late premier, Mr. Karamanlis. According to the same article in defencenet, Karamanlis was very disappointed when he learned that the government he has supported decided to withdraw from participation in this project. And for good reason, the South Stream project was by far a better choice for Greece. Apart from the fact that the project was one of his government's greatest accomplishments, it would have given enormous benefits to Greece, as well as would have generated thousands of jobs for our people. Most importantly it would have unhooked us from having to rely on Turkey (or succumbing to Ankara's wishes in fear that they would cut off our supply and re-route it elsewhere if we did not do their bidding). Unfortunately now, and after the signing of the TAP pipeline project, we will totally depend on Turkey, on all levels, commercially and Geo-strategically.

(Editor - Think about it... Will Ankara force us to compromise on issues that involve the Aegean, the East. Med., Thrace, etc...)

Until today, Karamanlis -and anyone with common sense- believes that participation in the South Stream project should have been given top priority and continued at all costs. Besides, there is no evidence that the famous Shah Deniz II deposit (which is to supply the TAP pipeline) can deliver efficient needs both in the medium and long-term. One more thing that we should keep in mind is that we are talking about Azerbaijan here, which is basically another Turkey, but with a different name. Also, we should take into consideration that deep Greek-Armenian ties are not respected by these two nations.

Also, the South Stream project is greater and with more diverse possibilities. So much so that even Turkey wanted a share in this project and had even given its permission so that the pipeline can pass through the Turkish EEZ in the Black Sea.

In fact the offshore part of the South Stream pipeline is planned to carry 63 billion cubic metres (2.2 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas per year. Pipeline sections in Serbia, Hungary, and Slovenia will have capacity at least 10 billion cubic metres (350 billion cubic feet) per year.  At least two gas storage facilities would be constructed of which one would be an underground storage facility in Hungary with capacity of minimum 1 billion cubic metres (35 billion cubic feet) and another one in Banatski Dvor, Serbia with capacity of 3.2 billion cubic metres (110 billion cubic feet).

Compare the numbers for yourselves...

Unfortunately in Greece, the political and business elite do not bother -or care- to look at the possibilities mentioned in the above paragraph, nor do they care about what benefits this can have for Greece's economy. In fact they have never supported the interests of the nation and its people who are literally starving. The only thing they care about is how fatten their own personal wallets and step up the ladder of fame in their own elite circles.

The TAP pipeline would have been the second or the third pipeline that was planned to cross through Greece, as part of the diversification of Greece's energy market but let's not kid ourselves, this particular pipeline is going to first cross in Turkey (which is not one of our greatest alleys and in fact is a very hostile country to Greece). What we are trying to make you understand is that if Ankara -who will now become the policeman in the region for the West- deems it necessary then it can easily cancel the supply of gas to Greece, and re-route it to other countries such as Albania for example. And this is the main reason why South Stream was by far a better choice.

We are not criticizing the project itself, for any type of development only benefits our country, but let's not kid ourselves, the TAP project mostly benefits its Northern European stakeholders and is a direct success for the US State Department, the US Department of Energy as well as US Geo-strategic interests in the region in its ongoing pipeline war against Russia.

Much can be said about Karamanlis from his competitors, but one thing is certain, he wanted to change the course of this nation and give it the right to develop and stand on its own without being shackled to foreign interests. Even the Secretary of Golden Dawn, Mr. Nick Michaloliakos told his colleagues that he may have immense political ideological differences with Karamanlis, but he recognizes that the former Prime Minister had the courage to alter the fate of this poor nation with simple pipeline diplomacy. He wasn't the only one, even radical left MPs have said the same to the media, adding that Karamanlis worked for the nation, and never for his own personal glory.

We agree.

And that is why we will continue to support men like him who work towards the benefit of this poor country and its future and not for their own personal gain.
