


September 30, 2012

SHOCKING - Bloodshed And 3 Months Of Chaos In Athens - Gov't To Collapse - THIS IS A MUST READ

A very disturbing article was posted in Greek on the Clockwork Project site (kourdistoportocali). We felt it was necessary to translate this article for all of you because we became very alarmed when we read it. If this information proves to be true, then we are in for one hell of a ride this winter. All hell is going to break loose in Athens, which might result in bloody conflicts. In fact the key players mentioned in this article speak about "bloodshed" and people dying in Athens. They also want the government of Antonis Samaras to collapse. Keep an open mind when reading this article. As always, we have provided the links to the original article in Greek. THIS IS A MUST READ!

Written by Ioli Pierides
Published in Greek in the Clockwork Project

September 20, 2012 -  For reference sake - Do not let the innocent teenage smile fool you, "Tim" is as tough as they get. When Lehman Brothers collapsed, Geithner was one of the first who jumped into the scene to help pick up the pieces of the US economy. Seated in the living room of a Greek parliamentary MP, Tim and and the Greek parliamentarian spoke quietly so that no one could hear them. For precautionary measures, they also removed their batteries from their mobile telephones and purposely left them on the table outdoors. In the entrance area, American and Greek security officials would jump every time they caught glimpse of a passing car and once they did, they would study every driver carefully.

Tim had flown into Athens from Washington in the late afternoon and the Greek MP was the first man, on a list of seven, that he visited.

He looks like Jack Palans -the actor- (which was also his nickname), but he is much shorter than the famous Hollywood actor, and has a robust belly that resembles that of a Greek tavern owner in Astoria. Tim is the complete opposite who is apparently very active and fit. Even when Lehman Brothers collapsed, Tim would wear his shorts and jog around the streets of Washington to stay in shape. "Jack" on the other hand, detested any activity that required physical fatigue. But .. Jack could stay awake for three days and three nights until the person he was interrogating would surrender to him completely.

Jack first came to Athens in the winter of 1975. He was still a teenager when the notorious "November 17" terrorist organization had executed Richard Welch. Jack's family and Richard Welch's family would vacation together on Long Island and "Jack" was friends with his daughter Molly.

In Athens, Jack had some really good friends, three corporate families who were shooting their wads in the 1970s. Since then, frightened by the sudden rise in nouveau riche they have kept a low profile, and some even closed down their companies.

In conversations with them, "Jack" would gain a pretty good idea of what was going on in domestic politics. He was after all the man with all the numbers. In previous trips "Jack" was part of a delegation from the legal branch of Debevoice & Plimpton and then on another trip he accompanied officials from BlackRock.

The numbers that "Jack" had were the bribes that were given to (many) Greek politicians from Siemens. They also involved capital that was transferred to foreign banks from politicians, businessmen and ordinary citizens (or about 70 billion Euros worth). Jack would also soon gain access to a list with offshore companies set up by these new groups of elites in well over 47 countries around the world.

Jack's know-how did not allow the person he was speaking to, to mutter words such as decency, nation and/or ideals.

"You are all a bunch of shit, you f**ckers, you would even sell your mothers. You arrived at this point by robbing and plundering the future of your children ..." "Jack" would shoot off his mouth incessantly with very graphical words, and expressions about the Greeks.

After the minister heard the whole prelude, the American official (Jack) cut to the chase right away
"Tim and Barack believe that the government of (Antonis) Samaras will not live to see the Spring. You will live three months of hell -November, December and January- with people on the streets and with victims. There will be much bloodshed in Athens.

The government will collapse and there will be such chaos that you will not dare to even hold elections. And even if you do, and after so much bloodshed, SYRIZA will win but it will only last two months. I'm here to "choose" a new national salvation government which will gain power in July 2013.

I want you to be part of the seven. Your role, and your position will be discussed on my next trip, which will be around February when Athens will be burying its dead from a bloody uprising.

That is when some of your "silent ones" will come out of their shells. Till then, and only after I talk with all of you, an informal "Mountain Government" should be formed such as those during the civil war and you should hold regular meetings taking all necessary precautions to avoid names and faces being detected or you will burn the project This is the only way to save (your country) from civil war and destabilization. The Turks are lurking like vultures to earn half of Thrace and half of the Aegean at the  international courts. This time there will be no need for them to even fire one bullet. That is how pitiful you all are."
Greek MP - "Do you think the Samaras government is finished?"

Jack - "Sh**t. It's already dead ..."

Greek MP - "Jack, I'm in. ... I will do whatever you say ... "

Translation - HellasFrappe