


September 21, 2012

PROVOCATION - President Of Muslim Community In Greece Calls Samaras A Racist" (VIDEO)

The President of the Association of Muslims in Greece Naim Elghandour (phonetic spelling) on Friday unleashed a DIRECT attack at Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, calling him a racist in what is obviously a very provocative and "suspicious" move and raises many questions, and concern as to why. Elghandour, who was addressing a press conference on how the Muslim community in Greece feels about the "hate film" that was broadcasted on YouTube and that challenges the Muslim religion and the prophet Mohamed, suddenly and without reason lashed out at Antonis Samaras characterizing him the biggest racist of all. He said he supported this opinion based on pre-election statements by Samaras on the subject of illegal immigration.After condemning the film, which he said insulted 1.8 billion Muslims, and insulting the Greek Prime Minister, he also insulted the Greek state for not being able to take advantage of the property which the Church of Greece gave the Muslim community, -in good faith of course-, in the area of Skisto (western Athens) so that a Mosque and a Muslim cemetery can be constructed.

And if that wasn't enough... he said the Muslim community in Greece is ready to "EXPLODE" because of the pressure it has been under lately. (sounds more like a threat... than a statement).

We will leave that last statement aside and not comment, for the moment, but we ask when Greek churches are being used as toilets in some areas of Northern Cyprus by radical Islarmists, and when rebel terrorists in Syria are literally butchering tens of hundreds of Christians, and when fanatic Muslims in Egypt have almost wiped out all the Coptic Orthodox community there, Mr. Elghandour expects the Greek State to stop paying its creditors, stop supporting needy families, cater to our welfare and day to day social needs and construct a Mosque for him and his community free of charge out of good will? Are you kidding us? How many Churches did the Muslim community build -with tax payer's money- in his country of origin? If he wants a Mosque to be constructed in the area where the Church of Greece so graciously gave him, then he will do what every Christian Orthodox, Catholic, etc., did all over the world and save money and then build it alone.

(Editor - View the menace in which he remains steadfast on the comments he made about the Greek Prime Minister, and how members from all of Greece's political parties criticize him for it... with the exception of SYRIZA's Mr. Tassopoulos (who once insulted Kolokotronis by leaving it to be understood that he could have been gay)... Hmmm... Highlighted segments are at 12 minutes into the video, and then we have included a second video report with Niko Evangelatos. Check out what he says when he comes into confrontation with New Democracy MP Andonis Giorgiadis, and then we will continue with our analysis into his statements.)

Seriously... a direct ATTACK towards Samaras is a first in any one's book because the man has only been in power for less than two months. It caused shock waves in news circles today, as well as has infuriated the general public. Then they wonder why Golden Dawn is surging in the polls...
The obvious question would be why? And why now?

Firstly we here at HellasFrappe would like to say that people have a very short memory. These statements are coming from a man who was accused by the former brother in law of George Papandreou -Mr. T. Katsanevas- (yes PASOK) in a televised interview on KONTRA channel of acting on behalf of Turkish interests, or in plain English of being a spy, an agent, whatever you want to call it! Now do you understand what the reasons are for this sudden and uncalled for attack?

The next question would obviously be what does he hope to gain from all of this? We really do not know, we can only guess -based on everything that has been happening over the last few months- but we believe that it concerns Greece's decision to move ahead in declaring its EEZ, or extending its territorial waters. Also, now that the "shady activities" of the "Turkish" friendly leaders in Thraki are being surfaced and the Greek State is finally cracking down on illegal immigration, is something that is probably not really appreciated by all of those who obviously -and purposely in our opinion- are trying to destabilize Greece. The point is that instead of replying to the accusations from Mr. Katsanevas, this person directly attacked the Greek Prime Minister and this did not happen by chance and should not be overlooked by anyone!

As far as Mr. Katsanevas' statements are concerned, he said in the video that he is in favor of the construction of the Mosque -which at the time the video was filmed was decided to be in Paiania- but he said that a second Mosque should be constructed in the areas of Ekali or Dionysos where rich oligarchs such as Mr. Tsipiras (leader of SYRIZA) and other "humanitarians" live because they are not in tune with reality... or turn a blind eye as to what is really going on around the country as far as the Muslim community is concerned.  (We totally agree with him on this one).

Check out the video... Katsanevas makes these statements at 2.20 into the video, and yes, you will also hear Mr. Katsanevas directly accuse this man of being a spy for Turkey! (His statements on Friday made news made headlines in To Vima, News247, Newsit , etc. defencenet)

Editor's Note - We are not going to comment on statements from a man who obviously is executing orders. But we warn him... as weak as he thinks Greeks are, the stronger they become when their country and faith is at risk! Secondly, tax payers will not, and should not pay for houses of worship for any community,  and we stand by the opinion strongly. We believe this creates hostility between religious minorities. If he insists that the Greek state do so then we advise him to first give us back Aghia Sofia in Costantinopole so that it can once again operate as a Christian Church -with state funds from Turkish taxpayers- and then Greek taxpayers will gladly build him his Mosque!