September 18, 2012
Mihaloliakos - Dendias Will Be Responsible If Anything Happens To His Golden Dawn MPs
In an interview to the Sunday Edition of "Real News", Golden Dawn party chief Nikos Mihaloliakos warned that "Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias is going to be held responsible if anything happens to the party's deputies," emphasizing that the the party's MPs were (and are) being "targeted". Parallel to this the GD leader denied reports that members of Golden Dawn engaged in recent street raids, characterizing the various reports that say that Golden Dawn conducted storm trooper-like raids, while impersonating law enforcement, as nothing more than "ridiculous". Asked whether he condemns a series of riotous incidents blamed on his party's supporters, the GD leader referred to 'impulsive' acts, stressing that he has neither condemned them, and he doesn't necessarily agree with their either. "They are part of political life and they occur always," he added.
Sources in Greek - ERT, Newsnow