


September 14, 2012

Legislation For Transparency In Political Funding

Συνέντευξη Τύπου για την παρουσίαση του σχεδίο...
Συνέντευξη Τύπου για την παρουσίαση του σχεδίου μεταρρύθμισης του ΟΣΕ και ΤΡΑΙΝΟΣΕ (Photo credit: stylianidis)
Plans for new legislation to regulate the funding of political  parties, political finance and transparency in the political system  were the main focus of a meeting held at the interior ministry this week with the participation of Interior Minister Evripidis  Stylianidis, Alternate Interior Minister Haralambos Athanassiou  and Transparency and Human Rights General Secretary  George Sourlas.

"The legislative initiative we are planning takes into account all  European data monitored by the Council of Europe. Our goal is  that it should incorporate all the reports of national Parliaments,  combine the views of the parties and answer society's demands  for a blow to 'black money' and the establishment of a new  political culture, a modern democracy," Stylianidis said.

According Sourlas, all necessary measures for dealing with the  issues will be taken so that Greece will no longer be under CoE  oversight for corruption issues. (AMNA)